FREE~DOWNLOAD Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer How to Call Heaven to Earth (READ PDF EBOOK)




Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer: How to Call Heaven to Earth

Author : Myles Munroe
Pages : 272
Language :
Release Date :2018-1-2
ISBN :1629119172
Publisher :Whitaker House

Learn to Pray—And Change the World // You're in our prayers has become a cliche. Just a nice thing to say when we see someone struggling.But do we really understand the power of prayer?God, God Almighty, God the Creator of the heavens and the earth, God the Beginning and the End, God the Source of all that is, God the Creator of man—the same God, in all His power and all His majesty, stops and listens when you pray. God has given humanity the ability to bring heaven to earth. Whether you know it or not, you have the authority to change the world through prayer. When God said, “Let mankind rule over all the earth,” He was arranging the dominion of the world so that the partnership of mankind was essential for the accomplishment of His purposes. Through his unique perspective on this often-misunderstood subject, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe takes the mystery out of prayer, providing practical answers for difficult questions about communicating with God. All that God is—and all that God has—may be received through prayer. Everything you need to fulfill your purpose on earth is available to you through prayer. The biblically based, time-tested principles in this book will ignite and transform the way you pray. Be prepared to enter into a new dimension of faith, a deeper revelation of God’s love, and a renewed understanding that your prayers can truly move the hand of God.This expanded edition includes study questions for individual or small group use.

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