WOW!!2014クリスマス@RUG TIME OSAKA and 色々REPORT!!! | Vocalist SETSUKO KIDA


私は甲状腺種切除手術によってファルセット(裏声)を失ってしまった事がきっかけで Jazz Vocalist になったのです。
手術の後、13年間も歌えませんでしたが、New York留学が私の人生を変えて、今もNew Yorkとつながりながら学び続けています。

Oh, my's been almost the end of July since I finished my last article on this blog on Feb.
And I also found that I haven't finished even Christmas live in 2014 report yet.

2014/12/23の夕刻に始まったコンサート @Rug Time大阪。
バンドメンバーは昨年jazz演奏活動60周年を迎え、この度正式にギネス公認となりました大塚善章氏( pf) , 宮本直介氏(Bs), 田中ヒロシ氏( Ds)と超ベテラン揃い、
So I'm gonna start talking about Christmas Eve Eve Concert at Rug Time Osaka jazz bar on Dec,23rd in 2014 from around evening. We had a great Trio. One of them was Mr, Zensho Otsuka (pf) who has been working as a jazz pianist for over sixty years and at last was recorded in the Guiness Book of World Records. and another was Mr, Naosuke Minamoto(Bs) who has been working with Mr, Zensho as a Jazz Bassist working so he also gotta such a great Guiness prize. The rest of trio members was Mr, Hiroshi Tanaka, young great powerful drummer. but jolly fellow...

I've been keeping away from a field of Duo or Chorus with vocalists because of my narrow voice range. I might have been a coward.

On the other hand, I thought that I had such a great experience to find some interests of vocal harmonization especially about jazz songs.

さて、私の大好きな曲、Softly as in the morning では BassとのDuoから始めていったのですが、ベースの音響ラインなどのハプニングもあり、クールに始める予定がちょっとコミカルになったりして HA HA HA....
As for my favorite song " Softly as in the Morning "I sang, actually it went unexpected direction that I aimed at the very first section of song as there were some kinds of sound system faults.
At first, I wanted to sing cool, but it became to be a bit comical part of song just for a while though....HA HA HA.

さて、余談ですが、今まで正直 ビリーホリディにはあまり興味もなかったのになぜか 今回歌った Crazy he calls me などで聴くようになって、
Let me say in passing that I haven't been so much interested in Billy Holiday till I listened to her " Crazy he calls me " at this time. However, I was getting switched my false idea about her because
when I strongly felt her own phrasing that made me surprise to be able to read her part of life.

Lullaby of Birdlandは、難しすぎて練習したもののずーっと置きっぱなしにしていて、
I left " Lullaby of Birdland " for a long time after I learned for the first time.
At last, I sang it at my live performance on Nov, last year. It is not easy and challengeable to sing for me because of a lot of words of lyrics and of course, taste of swingy rhythm.

ニューヨークにいると何度も訪れるJazz club バードランド は、実は私のニューヨークの師匠 Karrin Allyson が常連で出演しますが、だいたい1週間くらい毎日出演します。
Anyway, I love to enjoy jazz at Birdland Jazz club whenever I am in New York.
My respected teacher in NY, Karrin Allyson regularly appears there I 'm not sure but she performs  a run of seven days,  few times a year. They give usually three shows a night. Last show starts at eleven o'clock so Karrin invites me and other close musicians etc, too.

すると、前回もびっくりで色々なミュージシャンが来ていてその中にSteve Kuhnもいて
いきなり最初の曲、多分 My foolish heartだったと思いますがKarrinがSteveを呼んで
私自身は、そのずっと前に去年12月でしたか日本に来日した Sheila Jordan が
Steve Kuhnとバードランドに出演していた折に彼のピアノを聴いてから結構好きになって、その後一気にCDを集めて聴き込みました。曲の選択も私好みです。
There are some experienced musicians. One night, there was Steve Kuhn who Karrin suddenly called him to play with her. I thought  it might be " My foolish Heart"..
Honestly I already found him at Sheila Jordan & Steve Kuhn concert at Birdland a year ago and then he became my one of favorite pianists. Then I collected his some CDs. I felt that his selected songs are close to my taste.

Birdland is legend venue of Jazz. It hasn't changed old style feeling and atmosphere, it is amazing for me. I always sit at the bar.

Red Roses for a Blue Lady/GOLDEN SENIOR TRIO
Wild for You/Karrin Allyson

Two For The Road/木田折子