








昇格 ☑
15ゴール ☑


Special moment
My favourite moment of the season was the day I scored my 1st career hatrick it was a 8-8-2015 so the club done a JAY DAY which was nice , my son flew over with my brother and of course my wife was there I'm so happy that I could dedicate the hatrick to them

So as we reached the last 10 games of the season you could some tension and pressure mounting on the squad but Nanami and staff always created an atmosphere which made you kind of forget what was at stake. We was playing well still making mistakes but everyone was playing and working hard for each other. Fukuoka was playing really well also they were really pushing us to get wins but we were in control as we were ahead I even started thinking we could catch omiya and if we beat them at home we probably would of.

From a personal pov I was really enjoying the pressure I love big games and big moments so I felt I had to be the one to stand up and really lead by example which I was relishing. Every player was really working hard and I think that the disappointment from the previous season was spurring them on.
Tokyo verde came and we felt very good sadly I got injured after 5 mins then we got a red card and we looked doomed, then kamik saved the penalty and that team spirit I was talking about all year kicked in and we won 0-3 it was magical after the game my teammates dedicated that win to me and shun which was touching.

So it all came down to the last game and I was really down because I hadn't kicked a ball since that Verde game as I had a grade 1-2 tear in my calf so it was just treatment for me but I desperately wanted to play tbh that day I would have played with a broken leg!
I spoke with Nanami and my teammates and we all decided that I would try. I didn't even warm up with the team it was just a case of going through the pain to try and help my team. It was a great game I thought we started quite well both teams had chances, towards the end of the half I jumped and as I landed I felt my calf go I knew that was my season over.
I got in at half time and I couldn't help but feel emotional the tears were streaming mainly because I just wanted to win and felt helpless but I quickly had to forget the personal stuff and try help the team and the only way I could do that was with my voice so I was just filling the players heads with confidence and belief and of course Nanami gave a very inspiring team talk.
We we scored I was delighted for the boys it was a great start just what we needed Ino scored his first goal and what a time to do so... I was on the bench with my phone keeping an eye on the Fukuoka game I see Gifu equalise and I was buzzing we was winning and they were drawing! Perfect! But then 5 mins later Fukuoka were winning 1-4 I couldn't believe it then Oita equalised I was disappointed but I was positive as I know a lot of goals are conceded in extra time in Japan.
Kick-off down the side cross Yuki was there to control and finish.... We did it!
Amazing day. My first thoughts was ' we always do it the hard way '.

Season targets

Promotion ☑
15 Goals ☑
Work done