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But after yesterday's promotion I feel I should go over some keys things.

Getting myself ready for the start of the season was difficult as we only had 2.5 weeks until the season starts so I was doing lots of training session more than the other players as I needed to get fit...

1st game.

I was feeling very confident going into the game but I wasn't sure I could complete 90 mins but I was really happy with everyone and how all my teammates welcomed me they really treated me like I was a native and that's amazing, normally in football clubs there are players that have egos that are selfish but I can honestly say Jubilo players do not have that.

Back to the game. It was a very hot day and I found it difficult to get my first wind but I kept thinking 'I'm going to score'.

The ball went to Ada he cut inside and played a ball over the top and I miss controlled it but touched it just enough to make the keeper make a mistake then I poked it in, relief! I was off the mark! Scoring your first goal for your new club is always on a strikers mind but I didn't need to think about that anymore. I ended up with 2 goals that game and a MOM so I was very happy.

I missed some games early on in the season through little injuries I picked up because I was training hard when I should of been resting like the other players but that's me I want to be the best I can be so I always push myself hard.

We had been doing quite well but the 1st big game was against Chiba away. Reporters were saying this is our first test and it's going to be very hard, in my mind though I treat every game the same so I wasn't really bothered who we was playing tbh I don't even like watching analysis I just like focusing on my game.

Chiba has a great stadium with passionate fans, there was a big atmosphere which I couldn't help notice I was thinking 'an early goal will silence this crowd.

Matsu cuts inside from the left and I peeled away from my defender with a good first touch and shot into the top corner with my right foot 0-1. I was right there crowd went very quiet, we won 0-2 and everyone was really good happy.

After this game I got injured and I was very disappointed as I missed 2 games which we lost badly the next game was Cerezo away and it was critical we got a result, they was in good form aswell.

We played very well in the game but they scored first through own goal just before half time.

We went in for the half and I sensed and saw nervous looks on people's faces so I thought I should speak up as an experienced player and leader.... I stood up and just said 'hey we are playing really well and if we continue to play like this I promise you we will win! Suddenly everyone looked really positive. I scored just after half time and we won 1-2 everyone was buzzing and I think from that moment we really had self belief and great team spirit that we could get promotion.