Seed of Hope -希望の種- | Japan Storytelling Project ―ジャパンストーリーテリングプロジェクト―

Japan Storytelling Project ―ジャパンストーリーテリングプロジェクト―


Seed of Hope



Recently I have been a part of a Volunteer Group called JISP ( located in Sendai, Japan.



Through this project I have been working as an English Scribe and Intern Translator (which is really hard!). The story below is one of a few stories I have seen and decided to write down. This is my first blog excerpt, however I will be posting more when I have the time. Until then!




Rikuzentakata, Iwate



I visited one of the towns most heavily affected by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, called Rikuzentakata in Iwate prefecture. Among other things, the place had a surreal Scifi feeling to it, almost post apocalyptic. 



Water front in Rikuzentakata



A 13 meter high tsunami flattened 80% of the houses in the town, and wiped out a further 1656 people and (with 223 still missing).

Seeing this place in person left me chilled. Before the Tsunami the town was equipped with a 6.5 meter Sea Wall and a Harbor Gate. As the tsunami approached the gates failed to close, 45 young firemen were attempting to close it manually when the tsunami hit, all perished. 


After the tsunami the land sank considerably, and what used to kilometers of houses and land was now inundated with water. The Government has spent a lot of money raising the surface of the land by literally leveling a mountain next to the town. The earth is dug up and sent along temporary bridges that act like giant conveyor belts. The land is then packed into lots.




Earth work conveyor belt



After seeing this we paid our respects at the Tree of Tohoku (as many refer to it as), one of the Japanese I spoke to later proudly claimed it was the most famous tree in Japan (which miraculously out of hundreds of trees, was the only one left standing), below you can see a picture of the tree and a plaque with more information. 





My Encounter with Teiichi San



The next day I spoke to a Seed Shop owner by the name of Teiichi Sato. He has been on Australian Television before, which was really nice to hear. He lives his own version of the Bushido (the way of the Samurai) and has a real leader personality! Below is quick recap of my encounter with him (written in my own words).




After the Tsunami I had nothing, nothing at all. My house was gone; my business was washed away. Many of my friends perished, my wife and I had just escaped with our lives. As chilling and haunting as these memories were, I still have one thing: The Seed of Hope in my Heart.



Many people came to help from all over the world. I slowly rebuilt my business on the foundations of my old home. I was trying to come up with a name for my new seed business. An Australian Volunteer had said that ‘Sowing the Seed of Hope in my Heart’ would be perfect. 

たくさんの人が世界中から助けに来てくれました。私はゆっくりですが、私の以前の家の基礎の上に自分の仕事場を作り直しました。新しい種苗屋の名前を考えていると、オーストラリア人のボランティアは、 ‘Sowing the Seed of Hope in my Heart’ (私のこころに希望の種を蒔く) これは完璧だ!といいました。


I had an English lad later tell me that ‘Sowing the Seed of Hope in my Mind’ sounded better. After that an American said they both sounded good. I was still undecided at this point on what I should live by.  An Italian group from Wall Street Journal also came and said ‘Sowing the Seed of Hope in my Soul’ would be better. 

その後、イギリス人の若者は ‘Sowing the Seed of Hope in my Mind’(私のこころに希望の種を蒔くの方がいいのではないかと私に言いました。アメリカ人はどちらもいいと言いました。私はまだ何をどのように生きるべきか、この時点では未定だった。ウォールストリートジャーナルからイタリア人のグループも来て、‘Sowing the Seed of Hope in my Soul’(私の魂に希望の種を蒔く) の方がもっといいだろうと言いました。


Personally the best sounding one that resonates in me was the Australian saying. When something comes from the heart I believe it trumps everything else.



Not one piece of our house was left standing. It was all washed away. I still don’t know if a single piece of wood was reused when rebuilding the house. The Tsunami came more than 9 kilometers inland. It swept over everything in its path.



My wife and I barely made it out in time. We were really lucky that there was a hill nearby (pictured above). We ran for our lives through this gate (he points to an old rusty, damaged gate he has put back up, also pictured above). We watched our house and countless others be destroyed.



The family mart (convenient store) across the road acted like a fortress, many people sought refuge there and survived the tsunami. (He starts showing me around the shop) I rebuilt my greenhouse using beams and parts of old houses. I prayed before I used them, giving my respect to those who passed away. I used old cans and debris to join various frameworks. (Due to red tape he has not been allowed to rebuild properly).

道の向こうのファミリーマートは、避難所になって、たくさんの人が津波から避難しました。(彼は私にその店の回りを示しながら) 私は梁と古い家の一部を使用して、私の温室を再構築しました。私は亡くなった人たちに敬意を伝え、それらを使用する前に祈りました。古い缶や破片を使用し、繋げて組み立てました。(法律によってもうこの場所には住むことはできない。)




Over here (he points to a painting at the back of the shop) is my pride and joy. This gave me inspiration to rebuild and continue going on. (It reads, I sow the Seeds of Hope in My heart) 


Over here (he points to an old hand drawn water pump) is what I used just after the tsunami to draw fresh
water out of the ground. I dug this well my hand, it goes 5 meters deep, I used this water to replenish my seedlings and start all over again (after the tsunami there was no running or drinking water available.)



The Souls of those who perished cry out to me, since the earthquake I have been writing a book called The Seed of Hope in the Heart. It took over four months to complete and thanks to Komo’s English Reading-aloud Club and Casa Asia, ESADE and IESE in Barcelona, Spain. I was able to have the book published. (For more details on this book, or to buy you can contact:

東日本大震災以来、死んだ人たちの声を聞きました。そして「’The Seed of Hope in the Heart’ (こころに希望の種子)」という本を書き始めました。それが完成するまでに4ヶ月かかりました。Komo’s音読クラブ、バルセロナ、スペインのカサアジア、ESADEIESEのおかげで、私の本が出版されました。(この本の詳細、またご購入はこちらでできます。:

Story and Photographs by 
Allen Kuzmanovic

Translated by Satoko Hayakawa and Keith Goldstein 











Have you heard about an interesting project that helps people in Tohoku? If so, please fill out this short online 3 minute questionnaire to tell us about activities that you know about.


The stories that we are collecting will be featured on our website and database. This is part of an innovative attempt to continue providing support for individuals and organizations active in Tohoku.


Please follow us on our Facebook page to read more about the stories:


Thank you for your cooperation,

Japan Storytelling Project

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