Last Sunday, I went to Kyoto in the autum. This is the first time to come to Kyoto in the autume in my all life. The reason is very simple and clear. If I come to Kyot in this season, I will see many visitors everywhere I go, everytime I see the temples, shrines, restaurants, bus stops, train stations.

Even if I avoid the croweded area, several visitors would walk around there. That is Kyoto.

On the other hand, there are many historic minor places  in Kyoto. With local people guide, I could walk around beautiful, but silent places. I met local people sometime, however, I did not met visitrs frequently.

Road plants were changed from green  to yellow. Wind blowes with cool air on the river. Professor said, this wind is same when Kyoto is the center of Japan. The river also makes sam souds when it is.

Nowadays, some yong local people sit and walk around the river with their friends, which scenery remind me of the story written by Tomihiko Morimi and Manabu Makime. Both authors graduated university in Kyoto city. They writes many story which express the Kyoto life of student. If you read it, the story will make you to come to Kyoto as a student, that is freely days in your life.

As a result, I recommend you to come to Kyoto not only beautiful autum season, alsot other seasons.


See you soon!