One of the today's headline is this.

Congraturation to be held at Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in 2020.

By the way, some Japanese may think of reconstruction some places attacked by earthquake 2 years before and other natural disastars. Addittionally, I wonder how about tax increase.

I guess Japanse administrative structure needs to be changed to decrease budget. Not directive budget but the realistic and effectie long-term plan is needed now!!

I know human make a mistake, however, I think bureaucracy needs to change their work style and their sturcture.
I do not hope to attack and talk abuse them. I only hope to change their sturcture to save budget. They have one of the excellent capabilitis to manage Japan.

Again, I say congraturation to be held at Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in 2020. And I do hope this fantastic events bring happiness and excellent opportunity to all Japanese and Japan.