英検対策!3級筆記編 (*≧∇≦)ノノ☆ | ヽ(*´∀`)<ENGLISHPHILIAの英語活動 ~ なんちゃって品格英語 • 気持ち半ランク上の上品英会話~>(´∀`*)ノ

ヽ(*´∀`)<ENGLISHPHILIAの英語活動 ~ なんちゃって品格英語 • 気持ち半ランク上の上品英会話~>(´∀`*)ノ

英語大好き!└(o゚∀゚o)┘米国大好きヽ(●´∀`●)ノ 英会話、英語学習、文化の違いや日々の気付きなどをお好みで自由気ままに書いてみます ( ´艸`)

こんにちは!Japancake です ☆彡








資料も少ないし、対策に対する対策が必要ですね レ(゚∀゚;)







●解答がQUESTIONに対応していないと判断された場合は、0点と採点されることがあります。QUESTIONをよく読んでから 答たえてください。


- What is your favorite season?

EA: My favorite season is summer.  I like summer the best because my school has a long vacation.  Also, my friends and I can go swimming in the sea. (28語)



① 自分の意見「私の xx は ○○ です。」
② 理由「なぜなら、 △ △ だからです。」
③ 理由の補助「また/そして/それに 、 OO です。」

① 構成通りに書く
② 自信のある単語・文法を用いて、単純簡単でも正しい英文を書く
③ 論理的整合性を気にしすぎない(自分が思っていないことでも大丈夫!とにかく自分の書き易い意見を書く!)



とにかく練習あるのみです☆ p (*^ o ^*) q 


今回は、英検協会の出している問題例の、”What is your favorite - -?” をメインに例題を作成しました。回答するポイントとしては、質問の復唱、です(語数も稼げます!わーーい!)



What is your favorite color?


My favorite color is red.  I like red the best because it is the color of my favorite character. Also, red is my dad's favorite color, too. (27 words)



My favorite color is red.


I like red the best because it is the color of my favorite character.

とします。文頭は、”my favorite”に対して ”I like” で文章を繋ぎます。そして、「理由」なので、because” と続けます。3文目は、「また/そして/それに」の ”Also で始める文章にします。

Also, red is my dad's favorite color, too.

この3文目の内容は、新たな理由でも、1文目・2文目に関することでも、とにかく my favorite - -”に関することを書きましょう!


あと、文脈に合わせて3文目の最後に、”after school” や ”before/after dinner” などを持ってくるのも、語数稼ぎになりますね (^^


何問かやってみると、回答パターンにも慣れてきて回答し易くなっていくと、いいなぁ、と思います (/^▽^)/


例題1: What is your favorite sport?

回答例1: My favorite sport is soccer.   I like soccer the best because I can play it with many friends.  Also, my friends and I play soccer everyday after school.

回答例2: My favorite sport is volleyball.   I like volleyball the best  because I can play it with many friends. Also, my friends and I play volleyball everyday after school.

回答例3: My favorite sport is swimming.   I like swimming the best because I am in a swimming club.  Also, it is fun to swim with my friends in the swimming club.

例題2: What is your favorite TV program?

ニュース = News
スポーツ = Sports
クイズ = Quiz
バラエティー = Comedy shows
アニメ = Anime
ドラマ = TV drama
映画 = Movies
料理 = Cooking
工作・美術 = Craft and Art
教育(歴史、語学、教科など) = Educational Program
NHK = National Program

回答例1: My favorite TV program is Anime.   I like Anime the best because it has many characters I like.  Also, I enjoy watching it with my friends after school.

回答例2: My favorite TV program is comedy shows (バラエティー番組).  I like comedy shows the best because they are funny.  Also, I enjoy watching them with my family in the evening time.

回答例3: My favorite TV program is TV drama.  I like TV drama the best because I like stories.  Also, I enjoy watching it with my family after dinner.

例題3: What is your favorite music?

クラシック = Classic music
ジャズ = Jazz
歌謡 = 70th & 80th popular music
演歌 = Enka
バラード = ballad
Jポップ = J-Pop
ロック = Rock

回答例1: My favorite music is classic music.  I like classic music the best because I study it in school.  Also, I like playing music with my friends after school.

回答例2: My favorite music is Enka.  I like Enka the best because it is traditional Japanese music.  Also, I enjoy singing it at Karaoke with my family on weekends.

回答例3: My favorite music is J-Pop.  I like J-Pop the best because it makes me happy when I listen to it.  Also, there are many bands and groups I like.

例題4: What is your favorite activity you like to do with your friends?

回答例1: My favorite activity I like to do with my friends is cops and robbers (警泥).  I like hide and seek the best because it is fun.  Also, I enjoy play it with many friends.

回答例2: My favorite activity I like to do with my friends is playing video games.  I like playing video games the best because I can play with many friends online.  Also, I enjoy talking about it with my friends.

回答例3: My favorite activity is playing outside with my friends and sisters/brothers.  I like playing outside the best because we can run around.  Also, it is so much fun.

例題5: What do you like to do on vacation?

回答例1: I like to visit many countries on my vacation.  I like to visit many countries because I can see many different things.  Also, I can practice my English.

回答例2: I like staying at my home on my vacations. I like staying at my home because I can spend more time with my family.  Also, I can help my mother for housework.

回答例3: I like to play with my friends on my vacations.  I like playing with my friends because we can play longer during a vacation.  Also, we can go camping together.

例題6: What is your favorite activity in your free time?

回答例1: My favorite activity in my free time is reading.  I like reading the best because there are so many things I can learn from reading.  Also, I enjoy talking about it with my friends.

回答例2: My favorite activity in my free time is watching TV.  I like watching TV the best because there are many interesting programs.  Also, I enjoy watching TV with my family.

回答例3: My favorite activity in my free time is playing with my phone.  I like playing with my phone the best because I can do so many things on my phone.  Also, I like taking many pictures with it.

例題7: What do you want to be in the future?

回答例1: I want to be an artist in the future.  I want to be an artist because I like painting and drawing.  Also, I enjoy singing and dancing with my friends.

回答例2: I want to be a soccer player in the future.  I want to be a soccer player because I am very good at playing soccer.  Also, I like to play in England sometime.

回答例3: I want to be a doctor in the future.  I want to be a doctor because I want to help sick people.  Also, I want to make a lot of money.

例題8: What is your favorite food?

回答例1: My favorite food is Okonomiyaki.  I like Okonomiyaki the best because it has meat and a lot of  vegetable.  Also, I enjoy making it with my family for dinner.

回答例2: My favorite food is Yakiniku.  I like Yakiniku the best because I can cook meat and vegetable myself.  Also, I enjoy eating them with my family on weekends.

回答例3: My favorite food is ramen.  I like ramen the best because it is fast, cheap, and delicious.  Also, I often go to ramen shops with my friends after school.


ざっくりと作成したのですが、今後、解説なども付け加えて増やしていく予定です☆彡 (oゝ艸・)。o○