National Licensed Tour Guide's Blog

National Licensed Tour Guide's Blog

An Introduction to Historical & Cultural Spots In Hikone Area (Shiga, Japan) by National Licensed Tour Guide

晴れIn Hikone area (Shiga, Japan), there are many Historical and Cultural Spots as good as Hikone Castle (National Treasure).
For example, 'Koto-Sanzan' (the three temples in the east of lake Biwa) are attractive sightseeing spots.
They consitst of Saimyo-ji temple (National Treasure), Kongorin-ji temple (National Treasure) and Hyakusai-ji temple (Important Cultural Asset). These temples are rich in history and culture.
They are equally or more attractive than those in Kyoto or Nara.
The same thing can be said of Taga Shrine and Tennei-ji temple, which is located near Hikone Castle and lake Biwa.
Therefore, many tourists visit there every year.晴れ


 虹I am pleased to guide you in Hikone Area
(Shiga, Japan)

ビックリマーク英語の通訳ガイドですが、勿論、日本語の ガイドも
 Mobile: 09019527518

For more information, please refer to the following U.R.L..
Have a Nice Trip!!
Enjoy Cool Japan!



It's a National holiday in Japan. it is called Showa no Hi (Showa's Day).

Since today was the birth day of the Showa Emperor, it had been called Tennou Tanjo-Bi

(the Emperor's birthday). before he died in 1989.

After his death, this day was called the Greenery Day, because hi loved nature too much.

However, the Showa period(1926-1989) is impressed period for Japanese which was called turbulent period , and they requested the Government to chanege the name.

Because of that today was renamed Showa no Hi (Showa's Day) and the Greenery Day was moved to May 4.

About 300 years ago, Japanese started celebrating May 5th as the day for boys.

They hoist Koinobori, carp shaped streamers.

According to Chinese legend, carp become dragons when they swim up waterfall.

Now, parents celebrate the growth and health of their children, not only boys.

Hikone Castle(National Treasure) & Castle Town
Walking Tour
in English with a National Licensed Tour Guide
(Exploration in Historic Town “ Hikone”)

・Group: 1 group(10 Max.) only/day

・Schedule: Every day except below

・Fee:7000 yen/group (Usual Price:10000 yen/group)
*Cash only
*Transportation fee, entrance fee and cost of meals are not included.
*Insurance not covered

・Starting time at A.M. : I can fit in that schedule with you.

・Time required: about 4~5 hours

・Meeting point: Ticket gate in JR Hikone station
*Time required:
From Kyoto: about 50min.
From Osaka: about 80min.
From Nagoya: about 50min. (Shinkansen and change
train at Maibara station)

・Reservation: Please reserve by e-mail.
(First come basis)

Trivia about Japanese Culture (6) Valentine's day

The present system on Valentine's day in Japan is different from Western style.
In Japanese style, instead of expressing the love verbally, women send chocolates to someone in mind.
Though this is the basic style, it has become diverse recently.
For example, chocolates which women give to their friends, colleagues, or bosses are called as "Giri-choco", obligation chocolate.
Anyway, as 20% of annual consumption of chocolates is consumed around this day, we just have to say that this is a national event.


Many Setsubun events are held at many temples and shrines in Japan/around the country.
Why are roasted soy beans thrown at Setsubun?
It has been said that a bean has spiritual power which drives away evil.
Moreover, bean is called "Mame" in Japanese.
Usually, we use Kanji character/Chinese character "Mame" in one word.
However, when we try to represent it by two words in Kanji, "ma" can be substituted for evil in Kanji and "me" can be substituted for eye in Kanji.
Therefore, since "Mame" means devil eye, meaning of roasting bean is meaning of roasting devil eye.
That is to say, it shows meaning of driving away evil.

ところが、Mameを二文字の漢字で書くとすると、Maは、漢字で、evilと書け、meは、漢字で、eyeと書ける。よって、Mameは、evil eyeという意味になり、Mameを炒るという意味は、evil eyeを炒るという意味になる。つまり,邪悪を払うという意味になるのである。)


According to "Nijushisekki", one year is divided into 24 seasons in the lunar calendar.
Moreover, each 4 seasons are unified in one group each which is called Setsu.
That is to say, one year consists of 4 Setsu, or seasons.
Simply speaking, each Setsu is called spring, summer, fall and winter.
Then, the first day of each Setsu is called Risshun, Rikka, Risshu and Ritto.
For example, the literal translation of Risshun is "Spring starts.”
Then, the previous day of each Setsu is called Setsubun.
The literal translation of “bun” is dividing.
That is to say, Setsubun means dividing Setsu or the seasons.
Moreover, the previous day of Risshun(Feb.4th) is the most important day among 4 Setsu,
because Risshun is the New Year's day and the previous day is the New Year's Eve
in the old calendar.

簡単に言えば、それぞれの節は、春、夏、秋、そして冬と呼ばれる。そして、それぞれの節の最初の日は、立春、立夏、立秋 そして、立冬と呼ばれる。


Today is the day called Daikan, which is one of the Nijushisekki.
In ancient times, one year was divided into 24 seasons and each season was named after a suitable term which represents the season's feature.
A literal translation of Daikan is 'big cold'.
That is to say, Daikan means the severest and coldest season in a year.


I have secluded mysely in my room these days to create my blog site.

I'm coming down with an internet addiction.
