
Happy Mother’s Day!


Very sorry to not provide any updates in a while but we are doing OK.


When I tried to take a photo with his Mother’s Day craft from Daycare, he said “thank you, birth-mother for giving birth to me” and I was able to take a video.

ニワトリの小物入れです。It’s a rooster 🐔 trinket dish.

そして、朝、「カードを書く!段ボール切って!」と言い、完成したのは、こちら。He said “I want to make a card and I need cardboard” in the morning and here’s what he drew.

踊るうさぎ🐰。Dancing Rabbit.

私へのプレゼントだそうです。It’s a present for me.

あっと言う間に、5歳になりました。He is now already Five year’s old.

昨年の秋に七五三詣り。Celebrated 753 ceremony last year.

着物は自分で選びました。He chose the kimino himself.

健やかに育っています。He is growing up so fast.