A recent fad is squatting and playing with loose gravel in parking lots.
Why is it necessary to play in the gravel and dirt?
両手で砂利を投げたり、掻いたりして、とても汚れます。😭 He loves throwning the gravel with both hands and digging with his bare hands... it's extremely dusty.

トウモロコシが美味しい季節になりましたね〜。最初は、粒であげてましたが、そのままを欲しがるので、あげてみました。Corn is in season and very tasty. Started out by giving him kernels but he wanted the corn on the cob.
お、眉間にシワ寄せて、かぶりついた。ごはん粒もつけてるね。Wow, you're really chomping down. You also have one piece of rice stuck to your face.
ちゃんと食べれてるぅ。最近奥歯もしっかり生えてきました。Whoa, I can't believe you were able to eat the corn that way. Your molars are coming in.

Able to do a forward roll! (Pls becareful with the volume)

繰り返しては、"I did it!"(できた!)と叫び、ハイタッチを求めるブーム。
Kept rolling, screaming "I did it" with joy, and celebrating with high-fives.

ニコニコ去年の事(last year)ニコニコ
初めて食べた時から大好きなバナナ🍌。未だにバナナ好き。He always loved bananas since I first introduced him to it. Still loves them till this day.