Making a Hiking Blog: Our Tips for Success


First and foremost, you need to know your readership. Who reads you? In your case, it’s hikers. Some of them are seasoned walkers, others are budding hikers, not forgetting those who are starting out for the first time. You will therefore write your articles according to these different types of walkers. To respond to their requests, you need to ask yourself a number of questions:

What are your readers looking for?
What difficulties can they encounter?
What attracts them to hiking?
What puts them off?
When you have answered these questions, you will be in a position to help them. You will be able to provide them with relevant information that will make their lives easier. The more useful articles your blog offers, the more likely you are to retain your readers. The newsletter is an excellent means of loyalty. It allows you to collect email addresses and keep your community informed of the latest news.

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