Can Home Security Cameras Be Hacked


Most security cameras come with some form of encryption to make sure that the video footage is difficult for anyone to hack. However, there are still ways that a hacker can access your camera feed if they are determined enough. Here are some signs that your security camera has been hacked:

-The footage appears grainy or distorted. This could be a sign that the hacker is trying to view the footage without being detected. -The camera seems to move on its own, or the angle of the shot changes unexpectedly.

This means that someone has physically tampered with the camera and moved it from its original position. -There are strange symbols or codes appearing in the video footage. These could be used by the hacker to gain access to your system remotely.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action immediately and change your passwords/security settings. By taking these precautions, you can help protect yourself from becoming a victim of hacking.

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