"DOWNLOAD/PDF The Easy Way Out: Why Bariatrics Isn't Cheating Obesity, It's Treating It
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"Weight loss surgery is cheating.""Well, of course you lost weight, you took the easy way out.""Anyone who takes weight loss meds or has surgery can lose weight it's not like it's hard.""Have you ever thought about changing your diet or just exercising?""Surgery is so dangerous, and besides, everyone I know just gains all their weight back."Any of these sound familiar? If you suffer from obesity or have had bariatric surgery, you've probably heard at least one, if not all, of these stereotypes and comments.BARIATRIC SURGERY ISN'T EASY, AND IT CERTAINLY ISN'T"CHEATING."The misconception that bariatric surgery is somehow "cheating" when it comes to weight loss is wild. Weight loss surgery is the single most effective weight loss strategy for treating severe obesity that we have today. Yet less than 1% of the eligible bariatric population takes advantage of surgery. InThe Easy Way Out, registered dietitian and bariatric patient