"[PDF READ ONLINE] Trauma Junkie: Memoirs of an Emergency Flight Nurse


&quotTrauma Junkie gives us a view over the flight nurse's shoulder from liftoff until the patient is delivered to the hospital and the agonizing minutes in between. These fascinating true stories are impossible to put down.&quot  -- James M. Betts, MD, Chief of Department of Surgery and Director of Trauma Services, Children's Hospital, Oakland&quotAn exciting portrayal of emergency nursing.&quot -- Library Journal&quotFast-paced nonfiction that reads like an adventure story.&quot -- School Library JournalIn Trauma Junkie, readers accompany veteran flight nurse Janice Hudson as she races in response to emergency calls in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her workplace is a cramped California Shock Trauma Air Rescue (CALSTAR) helicopter in which medical personnel try to fix the human carnage wrought by shootings, accidents and natural disasters.In this new and expanded edition, Hudson updates readers on how she and her colleagues have fared since moving on to different medical roles -- 