*懐かしき愛の歌 (Love's Old Sweet Song)  楽譜付き* | ミスター・ビーンのお気楽ブログ





「懐かしき愛の歌」(Love’s Old Sweet Song)


「懐かしき愛の歌(Love’s Old Sweet Song)」は、1884年に出版されたヴィクトリア朝のパーラー・ソング( parlor song )です。作曲はJames Lynam Molloy、作詞はGraham Clifton Binghamでした。コーラス部分の最初に現れるJust a song at twilightが曲名と誤解されることが多いのですが、曲名はあくまでLove’s Old Sweet Songです。


初演は、1884年、ロンドンのセント・ジェイムズホール。歌唱はAntoinette Sterlingでした。MolloyはSterlingの家で、メロディと伴奏の作曲に取り組んでいたそうです。

また、この歌はJames Joyceの小説「Ulysses」にも登場し、この小説の登場人物Molly Bloomが歌っていたとされています。


[ 語句の意味 ]


beyond recall

impossible to bring back to the original state; impossible to remember

Ex.) The paintings were damaged beyond recall. (A.L.D.)


The ground has been polluted beyond recall.

The reasons for their deeds quickly floated away out of reach and beyond recall.  (Collins)



throng  (noun)

[ C ] a large group of people in one place (syn. crowd)

Ex.,) She got lost in the throng.

     a throng of excited spectators  (L.D.C.E.)


    We pushed our way through the throng.

He was met by a throng of journalists and photographers.  (A.L.D.)


    A huge throng had gathered around the speaker.  (Cambridge Dictionary)



Low to our hearts Love sang an old sweet song;

Love=S(主語) sang=V(動詞) song=O(目的語)


firelight  (noun)

[ C ] the light produced by a fire, especially one in a fireplace

Ex.) Wearing a lace-edged petticoat and bed-jacket, she looked particularly pale in the bright firelight.  (Cambridge Dictionary)


The room glowed in the firelight.  (L.D.C.E.)


gleam  (noun)

[ C ] a small pale light, especially one that shines for a short time ( syn. glimmer )

Ex.) gleam of

    They saw a sudden gleam of light.  (L.D.C.E.)


    We could see the gleam of moonlight on the water.

a gleam of light from a lamp

A few gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.

I saw the gleam of the knife as it flashed through the air.  (A.L.D.)


the gleam of silver candlesticks  (Cambridge dictionary)


And in the dusk where fell the firelight gleam,

fell=V  gleam=S


Softly it wove itself into our dream.

it=S  wove=V   itself=O





flickering  (adjective)

shining with a light that is sometimes bright and sometimes weak

Ex.) a flickering candle/fire

flickering television screens  (Cambridge Dictionary)


the flickering light of torches

illuminated by a single flickering lamp

sitting in front of a flickering screen


still  (adverb)

in spite of what has just been said or done

Ex.) Clare didn’t do much work, but she still passed the exam.

[sentence adverb]

    The hotel was terrible. Still, we were lucky with the weather.  (L.D.C.E)


 Although he promised faithfully to come, I still didn't think he would.

 We searched everywhere but we still couldn't find it.

 The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time.

 I know it's not rational, but I still feel terribly guilty.

 He was wounded but he was still able to paint.  (A.L.D.)


 You may not approve of what he did, but he's still your brother.

 I know you don't like her, but you still don't have to be so rude to her.

 Even though she doesn't really have the time, she still offered to help.   (Cambridge Dictionary)


Still to us at twilight comes Love's old song,

comes=V   song=S


一行目low, 二行目go、及び三行目long, 四行目、五行目songが韻を踏んでいることに注意



of yore

literary  existing a long time ago

Ex.) in days of yore  (L.D.C.E.) (A.L.D.)


 This was once a Roman road in days of yore.  (Cambridge Dictionary)


 The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore.

 Suburbia is a sadder place than of yore.  (Collins)


dwell  (verb)

[intransitive always + adverb/preposition] literary  to live in a particular place

Ex.) They dwelt in the forest.  (L.D.C.E.)


    He dwelt in a ruined cottage on the hillside.

 For ten years she dwelled among the nomads of North America.

 The gorillas dwell in the high rainforests of Rwanda.  (A.L.D.)


 She dwelt in remote parts of Asia for many years.  (Cambridge Dictionary)


forevermore  (adverb)

for eternity; for always; forever  (Collins)


一行目のof yore と二行目のforevermoreが韻を踏んでいることに注意。


may (modal verb)

used to say that even though one thing is true, something else which seems very different is also true

Ex.) I may be slow, but at least I don’t make stupid mistakes.

    Although this may sound like a simple process, great care is needed.

    Strange as it may seem, I always felt I belonged here.  (L.D.C.E.)


    They may be well-meaning, but they are wrong.  (A.L.D.)


    I may be almost 50, but there aren't a lot of things I've forgotten.

 The elderly man may not be typical, but he speaks for a significant body of opinion.

 Walking may be boring at times but on a sunny morning there is nothing finer.  (Collins)


falter  (verb)

[intransitive] to become weaker and unable to continue in an effective way

Ex.) The economy is showing signs of faltering.

    My mother’s grip upon the household never faltered.  (L.D.C.E.)


 The economy shows no signs of faltering.

 Her courage never faltered.

 The economy is beginning to falter.

 The team’s performance faltered badly after the break.  (A.L.D.)


 The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.

 Her friends never faltered in their belief in her.

 Nickie's voice faltered and he stopped speaking.  (Cambridge Dictionary)


weary grow the way = the way ( may ) grow weary


at the close of day = at twilight


Love will be found the sweetest song of all 

­­= We will find love the sweetest song of all. の受動態

We=S   find=V   love=O   song=C(補語)


[ 歌詞和訳 ]


Once in the dear dead  days beyond recall,

When on the world the mists began to fall,

Out of the dreams that rose in happy throng

Low to our hearts Love sang an old sweet song;

And in the dusk where fell the firelight gleam,

Softly it wove itself into our dream.


それは、二度と戻らぬ 古(いにしえ)の、愛(いと)しい日々のことだった


酒場の陽気な群衆の 心に生まれた浮薄な夢を掻い潜(くぐ)り

我々の心に 愛は静かに 懐かしい心慰む歌を 歌ってくれた。


愛の歌は 我々の夢の中に織り込まれていったのだ。



Just a song at twilight, when the lights are low,

And the flick'ring shadows softly come and go,

Tho' the heart be weary, sad the day and long,

Still to us at twilight comes Love's old song,

comes Love's old sweet song.


黄昏時に聞こえる歌 明かりが陰(かげ)り 


心がどれ程疲れ 悲しく長い一日であっても

黄昏時ともなれば 我々の心に 懐かしい愛の歌が訪(おとず)れる

懐かしくも 心慰む愛の歌が



Even today we hear Love's song of yore,

Deep in our hearts it dwells forevermore.

Footsteps may falter, weary grow the way,

Still we can hear it at the close of day.

So till the end, when life's dim shadows fall,

Love will be found the sweetest song of all.


今でも我々の耳には古(いにしえ)の 愛の歌が聞こえる

それは永遠(とわ)に われらの心に深く根を下ろしているのだ

足取りがよろめき 人生の道のりに疲れはてても

黄昏ともなれば あの歌が聞こえてくる

それは人生の黄昏でも同じこと 人生の幕が下りるとき

愛が 最も心慰む歌であることがわかるだろう



Just a song at twilight, when the lights are low,

And the flick'ring shadows softly come and go,

Tho' the heart be weary, sad the day and long,

Still to us at twilight comes Love's old song,

comes Love's old sweet song.


黄昏時に聞こえる歌 明かりが陰(かげ)り 


心がどれ程疲れ 悲しく長い一日であっても

黄昏時ともなれば 我々の心に 懐かしい愛の歌が訪(おとず)れる

懐かしくも 心慰む愛の歌が




[ 楽譜 ]



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