*英単語パズル(15)* | ミスター・ビーンのお気楽ブログ














見出し語は最初のアルファベット()とそれに続く文字の数が数字で示されています。例えば、activityなら、最初のアルファベット群がac、その後の文字数が6ですから、ac 6になります。




(71)  a 8 (adj.)

1. ( of things ) that you can get, buy or find

Ex.) ( a 8 ) resources / facilities

    readily / freely / publicly / generally ( a 8 )

    Tickets are ( a 8 ) free of charge from school.

    When will the information be made ( a 8 )?

    Further information is ( a 8 ) on request.

    This was the only room ( a 8 ).

    We’ll send you a copy as soon as it becomes ( a 8 ).

    Every ( a 8 ) doctor was called to the scene. (A.L.D.)


2. (of a person) free to see or talk to people

Ex.) Will she be ( a 8 ) this afternoon?

    The director was not ( a 8 ) for comment. (A.L.D.)

    Mr. Leach is on holiday and was not ( a 8 ) for comment. (Cobuild)


(72)  s 4 (verb)


1. to give somebody food or drink, for example at a restaurant or during a meal.

Ex.) Breakfast is ( s 4 過去分詞 ) between 7 and 10 a.m.

    Shall I ( s 4 )?

    They ( s 4 過去形 ) a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates.

    The delegates were ( s 4 過去分詞 ) with a wonderful meal.

    She ( s 4 過去形 ) us a delicious lunch.

    The quiche can be ( s 4 過去分詞 ) hot or cold. (A.L.D.)


2. (of an amount of food) to be enough for somebody / something

Ex.) This dish will ( s 4 ) four hungry people. (A.L.D.)



3. to help a customer or sell them something in a shop / store

Ex.) Are you being ( s 4 過去分詞 )?

    She was ( s 4 現在分詞 ) behind the counter. (A.L.D.)

    Auntie and Uncle suggested she ( s 4 ) in the shop. (Cobuild)



4. to be useful to somebody in achieving or satisfying something

Ex.) These experiments ( s 4 ) no useful purpose.

    Most of their economic policies ( s 4 ) the interests of big business.

    How can we best ( s 4 ) the needs of future generations?

    His linguistic ability ( s 4 過去形 ) him well in his chosen profession. (A.L.D.)



5. to provide an area or a group of people with a product or service

Ex.) The center will ( s 4 ) the whole community.

    The town is well ( s 4 過去分詞 ) with buses and major road links. (A.L.D.)



6. to be suitable for a particular use, especially when nothing else is available

Ex.) The sofa will ( s 4 ) as a bed for a night or two. (A.L.D.)

    The old drawing room ( s 4 三単現 ) her as both sitting room and study. (Cobuild)



7. to have a particular effect or result

Ex.) The judge said the punishment would ( s 4 ) as a warning to others.

    The attack was unsuccessful and ( s 4 過去形 ) only to alert the enemy. (A.L.D.)



8. to work or perform duties for a person, an organization, a country, etc.

Ex.) He ( s 4 過去形 ) as a captain in the army.

    She ( s 4 過去形 ) under Edward Heath in the 1970s.

    He ( s 4 過去形 ) the family faithfully for many years ( = as a servant ). (A.L.D.)


9. to spend a period of time in a particular job or training for a job

Ex.) He ( s 4 過去形 ) a one-year apprenticeship.

    She was elected to ( s 4 ) as secretary of the local party. (A.L.D.)



10. to spend a period of time in prison

Ex.) prisoners ( s 4 現在分詞 ) life sentences

    She is ( s 4 現在分詞 ) two years for theft.

    He has ( s 4 過去分詞 ) time ( = been to prison ) before. (A.L.D.)



11. (law) to give or send somebody an official document, especially

one that orders them to appear in court

Ex.) to ( s 4 ) a writ / summons on somebody

    to ( s 4 ) somebody with a writ / summons (A.L.D.)

    Police said they had been unable to ( s 4 ) a summons on 25-year-old Lee Jones. (Cobuild)



12. (in tennis, etc.) to start playing by throwing the ball into the air and hitting it

Ex.) Who’s ( s 4 現在分詞 )?

    She ( s 4 過去形 ) an ace.  (A.L.D.)


(73)  al 3 (verb)

1. to become different ; to make somebody / something different

Ex.) Prices did not ( al 3 ) significantly during 2007.

    He had ( al 3 過去分詞 ) so much I scarcely recognized him.

    It doesn’t ( al 3 ) the way I feel.

    Nothing can ( al 3 ) the fact that we are to blame. (A.L.D.)

    The landscape has been radically ( al 3 過去分詞 ), severely damaging wildlife. (Cobuild)


2. to make changes to a piece of clothing so that it will fit you better (A.L.D.)

Ex.) This coat must be ( al 3 過去分詞 ) ; it’s too loose. (Genius )


 (74)  mer 2 (noun)

1. U(formal) the quality of being good and of deserving praise, reward or admiration ( syn. worth )

Ex.) a work of outstanding artistic ( mer 2 )

    The play is entirely without ( mer 2 ).

    I want to get the job on ( mer 2 ). (A.L.D.)


2. C, usually pl.a good feature that deserves praise, reward or admiration ( syn. strength )

Ex.) We will consider each case on its ( own ) ( mer 2 s ) ( = without considering any other issues, feelings, etc. ).

    They weighed up the relative ( mer 2 s ) of the four candidates. (A.L.D.)


mer 2 (verb)

(not used in the progressive tenses)(formal) to de something to deserve praise, attention, etc. ( syn. deserve )

Ex.) He claims that their success was ( mer 2 過去分詞 ).

    The case does not ( mer 2 ) further investigation. (A.L.D.)

    Such ideas ( mer 2 ) careful consideration. (Cobuild)


(75)  bo 4 (verb)


1. if something ( bo 4 三単現 ) or you ( bo 4 ) it, it moves quickly away from a surface it has just hit or you make it do this

Ex.) The ball ( bo 4 三単現 ) twice before he could reach it.

    Short sound waves ( bo 4 ) off even small objects.

    The light ( bo 4 過去形 ) off the river and dazzled her.

    She ( bo 4 過去形 ) the ball against the wall. (A.L.D.)



2. (of a person) to jump up and down on something

Ex.) She ( bo 4 過去形 ) up and down excitedly on the bed. (A.L.D.)


3. to move a child up and down while he or shie is sitting on your knee in order to entertain him or her (A.L.D.)

Ex.) Patsy had picked up the baby and was ( bo 4 現在分詞 ) him on her knee. (Cobuild)


4. to move up and down ; to move something up and down

Ex.) Her hair ( bo 4 過去形 ) as she walked. (A.L.D.)

    The wind was ( bo 4 現在分詞 ) the branches of the big oak trees. (Cobuild)


5. to move up and down in a particular direction

Ex.) The bus ( bo 4 過去形 ) down the hill. (A.L.D.)



6. (of a person) to move somewhere in lively and cheerful way

Ex.) He ( bo 4 過去形 ) across the room to greet them. (A.L.D.)

    Moira ( bo 4 過去形 ) into the office. (Cobuild)



7. (informal) if a check ( bo 4 三単現 ), or a bank ( bo 4 三単現 ) it, the bank refuses to accept it because there is not enough money in the account (A.L.D.)

Ex.) Our only complaint would be if the check ( bo 4 過去形 ).

    His bank wrongly ( bo 4 過去形 ) checks worth £75,000. (Cobuild)



8. to tell somebody your ideas in order to find out what they think about them

Ex.) He ( bo 4 過去形 ) ideas off colleagues everywhere he went. (A.L.D.)

    Let’s ( bo 4 ) a few ideas around. (Cobuild)



9. if an email ( bo 4 三単現 ) or the system ( bo 4 三単現 ) it, it returns to the person who sent it because the system cannot deliver it (A.L.D.)



10. (informal, especially NAmE) to force somebody to leave a job, place, etc.

Ex.) He was soon ( bo 4 過去分詞 ) from the post. (A.L.D.)



(71) available  (72) serve  (73) alter  (74) merit   (75) bounce