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September 29, 2017, 2:15 PM


"Move it or lose it": How to protect your bones as you age ①

Last Updated Sep 29, 2017 4:56 PM EDT


Everything ( 1a ) on your bones — literally — so it makes sense to take care of them if you want to stay active into your golden years. One of the growing risks the human body faces as you age is increasing ( 2 ), which makes you more ( 3 ) to broken bones. In fact, more than 300,000 Americans aged 65 and older are hospitalized each year for hip ( 4a ), according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more than half of them never fully recover.


( 5a ) — a condition in which bones become more ( 6 ), weak and ( 7 ) — puts older adults at higher risk for ( 4a ). More than 53 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with ( 5 ) or are at high risk of developing the disease, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports.


Many people don't even know they have it until the damage is done and they suffer a break. But ( 8 ) of age or ( 9 ) level, there are things you can do to reduce the risk.


"Bones are constantly breaking down and rebuilding," said Dr. Joshua Grahlman, founder of Clutch Physical Therapy in New York. "As you age, you're less ( 10 ). Basically, you need to keep stresses on your bones and keep moving so that you don't become more ( 11 )."


If you have not yet begun taking steps toward strengthening your bones, now is the time to start.


How does exercise increase bone ( 12 )?

Doctors say physical activity helps build bone ( 13 ) as well as muscle.


"Move it or lose it," said Grahlman. "You just have to be active. It doesn't have to be that long, so there's really no excuse to not move. Something is always ( 14 )."


A combination of exercise activities can increase the benefits. Strength training makes your muscles physically stronger; resistance exercises may ( 15 ) bone development and protect against injury; and ( 16 ) workouts (even a brisk walk) will ( 17 ) heart health.


To help avoid ( 18 ) bone loss, trainers also suggest ( 19a ) intervals — short bursts of speed — into your workout.


"A little bit every day goes a long ( 20 )," Grahlman added. "Everything in ( 21 ). It's not good to run every day of the week and have that repetitive stress on your bones all the time. It's not ideal to strength train every day." 


For ( 22 ) results, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day.


Grahlman says it's important to get "your heart rate up" and "your blood moving."



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( 1 ) ( h 3 ) on

to depend on something

Ex.) A lot ( h 3 三単現 ) on this decision. (A.L.D.)

    Much ( h 3 三単現 ) on the success of the collaboration between the Group of Seven governments and Brazil. (Cobuild)


( 2 ) fr 5 (noun)

〔U〕weakness and poor health

Ex.) Increasing ( fr 5 ) meant that she was more and more confined to bed. (A.L.D.)

    She died after a long period of increasing ( fr 5 ). (Cobuild)


( 3 ) sus 8 (adj.)

(not usually before noun) very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by somebody /something

Ex.) He’s highly ( sus 8 ) to flattery.

    Some of these plants are more ( sus 8 ) to frost damage than others. (A.L.D.)

    Walking with weights makes the shoulders very ( sus 8 ) to injury. (Cobuild)


( 4 ) frac 4 (noun)

〔C〕a break in a bone or other hard material

Ex.) a ( frac 4 ) of the leg / skull

    a compound / simple ( frac 4 ) ( = one in which the broken bone comes / does not come through the skin ) (A.L.D.)

    At least one-third of all women over ninety have sustained a hip ( frac 4 ). (Cobuild)


( 5 ) osteo 7 (noun)

〔U〕(medical) a condition in which the bones become weak and are easily broken, usually when people get older or because they do not eat enough of certain substances (A.L.D.)


( 6 ) po 4 (adj.)

having many small holes that allow water or air to pass through slowly

Ex.) ( po 4 ) material / rocks / surfaces  (A.L.D.)

    The local limestone is so ( po 4 ) that all the rainwater immediately sinks below ground. (Cobuild)


( 7 ) brit 3 (adj.)

hard but easily broken

Ex.) ( brit 3 ) bones / nails  (A.L.D.)

    Pine is ( brt 3 ) and breaks. (Cobuild)


( 8 ) ( re 8 ) of  (prep.)

paying no attention to something / somebody ; treating something / somebody as not being important

Ex.) The club welcomes all new members ( re 8 ) of age.

    He went ahead and did it, ( re 8 ) of the consequences.

    The amount will be paid to everyone ( re 8 ) of whether they have children or not. (A.L.D.)


( 9 ) fit 4 (noun)

〔U〕the state of being physically healthy and strong

Ex.) a magazine on health and ( fit 4 )

    a ( fit 4 ) instructor / class / test

    a high level of physical ( fit 4 )  (A.L.D.)


( 10 ) re 7 (adj.)

able to feel better quickly after something unpleasant such as shock, injury, etc.

Ex.) He’ll get over it - young people are amazingly ( re 7 ).


( 11 ) fr 3 (adj.)

(especially of an old person) physically weak and thin

Ex.) Mother was becoming too ( fr 3 ) to live alone. (A.L.D.)

    She lay in bed looking particularly ( fr 3 ). (Cobuild)


( 12 ) den 4 (noun)

〔C, U〕(physics) the thickness of a solid, liquid or gas measured by its mass per unit of volume

Ex.) the ( den 4 ) of a gas (A.L.D.)

    Jupiter’s moon Io, whose ( den 4 ) is 3.5 grams per cubic centimeter, is all rock. (Cobuild)


( 13 ) tis 3 (noun)

〔U〕a collection of cells that form the different parts of humans, animal and plants

Ex.) muscle / brain / nerve, etc. ( tis 3 )

    scar ( tis 3 )  (A.L.D.)

    As we age, we lose muscle ( tis 3 ). (Cobuild)


( 14 ) bene 6 (adj.)

(formal) improving a situation ; having a helpful or useful effect ( syn. advantageous, favorable ; opp. detrimental

Ex.) A good diet is ( bene 6 ) to health. (A.L.D.)

    Using computers has a ( bene 6 ) effect on children’s learning. (Cobuild)


( 15 ) pro 4 (verb)

to help something to happen or develop ( syn. encourage )

Ex.) policies to ( pro 4 ) economic growth

    a campaign to ( pro 4 ) awareness of environmental issues (A.L.D.)

    You don’t have to sacrifice environmental protection to ( pro 4 ) economic growth. (Cobuild)


( 16 ) car 3 (noun)

〔U〕(informal) exercises to make your heart work harder, that you do to keep yourself fit

Ex.) ( Car 3 ) is the answer if you want to lose weight.

    ( car 3 ) exercise / workouts (A.L.D.)


( 17 ) b 4 (verb)

to make something increase, or become better or more successful

Ex.) to ( b 4 ) exports / profits

    The movie helped ( b 4 ) her screen career.

    to ( b 4 ) somebody’s confidence / morale

    Getting that job did a lot to ( b 4 ) his ego ( = make him feel more confident ). (A.L.D.)

    It wants the government to take action to ( b 4 ) the economy. (Cobuild)


( 18 ) pre 6 (adj.)

happening before the normal or expected time

Ex.) his ( pre 6 ) death at the age of 37 (A.L.D.)

    a twenty-four-year-old man who suffered from ( pre 6 ) baldness (Cobuild)


( 19 ) incor 6 (verb)

to include something so that it forms a part of something

Ex.) We have ( incor 6 過去分詞 ) all the latest safety features into the design.

    Many of your suggestions have been ( incor 6 過去分詞 ) in the plan.  (A.L.D.)


( 20 ) go a long ( w 2 )

to last a long time

Ex.) She seems to make her money go a long ( w 2 ). (A.L.D.)


( 21 ) mod 7 (noun)

〔U〕the quality of being reasonable and not being extreme

Ex.) There was a call for ( mod 7 ) on the part of the trade unions.

    Alcohol should only ever be taken in ( mod 7 ) ( = in small quantities ). (A.L.D.)


( 22 ) op 5 (adj.)

the best possible ; producing the best possible results

Ex.) ( op 5 ) growth

    the ( op 5 ) use of resources

    the ( op 5 ) conditions for effective learning  (A.L.D.)

    Aim to do some physical activity three times a week for

 ( op 5 ) health. (Cobuild)



( 1 ) hang  ( 1a ) hangs  ( 2 ) frailty  ( 3 ) susceptible  ( 4 ) fracture  ( 4a ) fractures  

( 5 ) osteoporosis  ( 5a ) Osteoporosis  ( 6 ) porous  ( 7 ) brittle  ( 8 ) regardless  ( 9 ) fitness  

( 10 ) resilient  ( 11 ) frail  ( 12 ) density  ( 13 ) tissue  ( 14 ) beneficial  ( 15 ) promote  

( 16 ) cardio  ( 17 ) boost  ( 18 ) premature  ( 19 ) incorporate  ( 19a ) incorporating  

( 19b ) Incorporate  ( 20 ) way  ( 21 ) moderation  ( 22 ) optimum ( optimal ) 

