$ MAAYA -gatsby
The great Gatsby★★☆☆☆
Starting off with heavy animation, and a photo shopped look of the actors. Heavy usage of flashbacks, and the narrations having a “this is the story of my life” kind of tone I gradually found myself watching something that brought backs uneasy feeling from the past like when I was watching “The life of pie”(which I am not exactly fond of).
I couldn’t tell what the film was trying to say, or what I was suppose to feel when I saw black people dancing in parties, on open cars when the era was suppose to be in the 20s which I believe is an era which still had many discrimination issues.
Nor was I sure if there was really any need for the film to be 3D.(just another trick to call people to the theaters).
The character called the Gatsby is an extremely rich guy who dreams of his ex-girlfriend (who is now married) to wonder into one of his huge parties he holds at his house where people from all around New York gather and join.
Yeah…. great plan. Good luck…..
Which somehow despite my feeling it's a absolutely horrible idea turns out to …work! Which is mildly hilarious.
I would say he is like a dreamy teenager judging from his dialogues, and ways of pursuing a woman.
The way this melodramatic love story of the ”tragedy heroine” I mean “hero “unfolds is sort of melancholic in an un-engaging way, and is certainly a turn off after my expectation that I had after watching that glamorous trailer.