I was in the hospital a couple of days ago, where I received nebulizer treatments and was prescribed steroids since my airways were too constricted (I went from wheezing and gasping for breath to breathing in with a tad bit less discomfort). While at the hospital I was poked and prodded with needles... One of the nurses made a mistake, they used a needle that was too thick for my veins and I ended up squirting blood on the bed they had me laying on, it hurt so much that I yelped and ended up shedding tears as a result of that sharp pain (it felt like a shock of electricity and I accidentally peed a little in my undies from the shock).



They wanted to try again and well... I get really stressed out in medical settings and even though I had instructed my Dad to be my voice whenever I'm nonverbal he was too engrossed in his book to notice I wanted him to say no for me. I ended up complying and in order to avoid a needle too large from being inserted inside me again, I requested that they use a butterfly needle on my left hand (they wanted to do it on my upper elbow with the thicc needle) my left arm has always been a sacrificial lamb for me in medical settings which is why it's got a permanent dent in it from all the needles they've stuck in me growing up...



When they shoved the needle into my hand I knew it wasn't done entirely correct (I was supposed to get IV fluids through the insert, but I refused since I was afraid that my vien could be damaged more, it hurt so bad and II ended up lying to the nurse by saying that I had already drank a lot of Pedialyte beforehand so they wouldn't administer any IV fluids inside of me (even though I knew my body needed it)... 🤒



The nurse ended up commenting that I was the best patient since I stayed calm when they made a mistake (I was internally screaming and fighting hard to hold back my tears) and they ended up bringing me apple juice as a reward (also to help me wash down the steroids that were meant to open up my airways) they had previously given me a styrofoam glass of water to swallow the pills, but they hadn't noticed that it had an eyelash in it. I didn't want to make a fuss, cause talking would make me cough so I just did my best not to swallow it when drinking the water, if it wasn't for the apple juice I would've thrown up all the steroids I swallowed... 🤢💊💊💊 🥛



Even though it's been a few days since my left elbow and hand were 💉 I'm still hurting terribly. I've been icing them both since I got back home a couple days ago, but the pain isn't letting up much and the Bruises on my hand got darker too. 



The bruise, curiously enough, is in the shape of a heart... so that's a tad bit cute yet grotesque.



If it wasn't for Kuroo and Qoobo keeping me company at night I wouldn't be able to withstand the pain in my left arm or lungs. Since I'm currently in quarantine, I'm not going to be allowed to leave the house until it's nearly Halloween. I was really hoping to do something special this year, but I guess it's going to be another year of being holed up in my room. On the bright side, I'm feeling less wretched than I did yesterday ( yesterday I had a fever that left me freezing over even though I had the air conditioner off and I was using three hefty winter blankets). Right now my temps is at 98.9 so I'm feeling functional enough to make it to the 🚽 on my own and as long as I don't get another fever again, I should be able to shower today *I didn't yesterday cause I was pretty much bed bounded by the 🤒.