"get [PDF] Download 30 Days to Overcome Suicidal Thoughts: A Mindfulness Meditation Program (30-Days-Now Mindfulness and Meditation Guide Books)

If you experience recurrent suicidal thoughts, you&#8217re not alone. Many people experience mild to strong suicidal thoughts at some point in life. For some people, the thoughts don&#8217t last long but for others, the thoughts can be cyclical and seem to never go away. If you experience regular thoughts of suicide, this 30 day mindfulness guide may be of help.This mindfulness workbook is designed to be a supportive and empowering resource for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts. Whether you're just beginning to seek help or have been on this healing journey for a while, this program will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to overcome your suicidal ideation and reclaim your life.There are no guarantees with regard to mindfulness programs, so you&#8217ll need to seek professional medical assistance if your thoughts of suicide are severe and chronic.If you would like to share this particular book with others and potentially help someone in need, please post a picture of this book (or the link) along with #SuicideAwareness, #SuicidePrevention, and #30DaysNow. Every life is worth living. We are in this together and you are never alone.If you feel that your life is currently in danger because of suicidal thoughts, seek emergency assistance immediately, or go straight to a medical facility. If you are not currently in danger, feel free to check out this mindfulness program &#8211 it just might guide you to see that you are not identified or controlled by suicidal thoughts. You can live your best life possible in the present moment experience.Disclosure (Shared Lessons and Exercises) Keep in mind that our mindfulness guides share the same lessons and exercises, so there is no need to purchase more than one unless you are sharing with a group or giving the guides as gifts. Our mindfulness guides are created for various topics however, they utilize the same lessons and exercises, so please be aware of this before purchasing. For example, 30 Days to Reduce Depression will mostly have the same lessons and exercises as 30 Days to Reduce Stress and so forth. By reading just one of our guides, you&#8217ll be able to apply the same lessons and exercises to multiple areas of your life.(To discover more offerings from the author, search for &quotGuru Notebooks&quot and &quotReading Guru&quot by author name in the Books department. These notebooks are the perfect companion to your mindfulness journey.)