Grammar time! | 岩国英会話教室 ブログ  

岩国英会話教室 ブログ  

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Hello, everyone. 

Today we're going into depth on how to correctly use grammar in English. Many times people make a lot mistakes while speaking or writing sentences. With the correct knowledge of grammar usage, you can have confidence while you're speaking or writing English.


Noun (名詞) is a person; place; thing

Person (): Keith sensei, President Trump, Prime minister Abe

Place (場所): English school, home, library, City Hall

Thing (): Text book, pencil, notebook, markers


Pronoun (代名詞) is a substitute (置換) for a noun (名詞)

*he, she, his, hers, Mr., Ms

(X) Mike is happy Mike is getting a new dog from Mike's friend.

(O) Mike is happy he is getting a new dog from his friend.


Verb (動詞) is an action

Physical (身体): run, walk, eat, drink, sleep.

Mental (精神): Think, feel, sympathize, emphasize

* I will eat chicken later.

** I feel bad for him.


Adjective (形容詞) describes a noun

Red, small, large, my, which

* A red book. A large book. My house. Our house. Which computer.


Adverbs (副詞) describe a verb

Always, enough, later, soon

* I always eat at 3pm. I did well enough on my exam. He will be here later. I will arrive soon.


Preposition (前置詞)shows the relation of nouns and pronouns with other words

Place (場所): at, behind, around, through, over, above, in, after, under

* I am at work. The library is behind the City Hall. 

Direction (方向): from, to, away, after, into

* My friend came from the store. I'm going to the store. We're walking away from the store.

Time (時間): before, by, at, after, on, in

* I have to be there before 3pm. I have to be there by 4pm. I got there after 2pm. I must be at work on time.


Conjunction (結合) combines two sentences.

*and, but, although, or, neither, nor, either, not only.

(X) I went to school. I took a test

(O) I went to school and took a test.


Interjections (間投詞) are just words you can use alone to add emphasis to a sentence.

* wow !, ha!, yea

Wow! You did that alone? Ha! You look funny. Yes, you're right. 


Conjugations (変換): change the form of a verb. Past, present, future

Past simple: I walked home/ Present simple: I walk home/ Future simple: I will walk home

Past continuous: I was going/ Present continuous: I am going/ Future continuous: I will be going

Past perfect: I had gone/ Present perfect: I have gone/ Future perfect: I will have gone


So these are the major grammar points you should focus on to get better at English. Try using these examples and create your own sentences. If you'd like, you can send in your sentences and I can checked them for you! Remember to speak slowly and clearly. Have fun! 


Keith sensei