Taking a taxi | 岩国英会話教室 ブログ  

岩国英会話教室 ブログ  

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Hello, everyone!

Today we're taking a taxi in the states. We also say "cab" when we're talking about taking a taxi. These are some helpful phrases you can use.

1) Excuse me. Are you available?


2) (On the phone) Hello, can you send a taxi to (your location), Please?

*Taxi companies in the states usually asks where you're going and give you a set price over the phone. 


3) How much is it to go to Manhattan from here?


4) Can you go a little faster? I'm in a rush.


5) Could you turn on the A/C, please? It's a little hot in here.


6) I'd like to go to the airport, please.


7) Can you take a quicker route?


8) Can you play the radio/ Can you turn off the radio, please?


9) Is this a metered taxi or fixed rate?


10) The ride was very pleasant. Thank you!


So these are some of the phrases and questions you can use when taking a cab in the states. I'm sure most people use Uber or Lyft now, but there are still some taxi compaies on the road. Remember to speak slowly and clearly. A lot of the drivers are foreigners as well. Have fun!

Keith Sensei