Buying a car | 岩国英会話教室 ブログ  

岩国英会話教室 ブログ  

幼児から大人レッスンまで 英語が好きになる英会話教室

Hello, everyone! Today I'll be sharing some more phrases with you. Today we'll be buying a car (not really). These phrases and questions are to be used while talking to a car salesperson. My favorite car is a Nissan skyline GTR (1989-1992), so i'll be using it in the examples.


1) Hello. I see you have a 1992 GTR on the lot. Is it still available?


2) It's a little expensive. Can you lower the price?


3) Can I test drive it?


4) Do you have any other colors?


5) Do you finance vehicles here?


6) Does it come with any warranties?


7) Are there any mechanical issues?


8) I'd like to leave a down payment.


9) That's a good deal. I'll take it.


10) Is the price negotiable?


11) I'd like to think about it. Can you hold it for a day?


So, these are some phrases that can used when you're going to purchase a new car. Remember to speak slowly and clearly. And don't trust car salespeople! They're not your friends. Have fun!