岩国英会話教室 ブログ  

岩国英会話教室 ブログ  

幼児から大人レッスンまで 英語が好きになる英会話教室


Hello, everyone.

Today we're learning about redundant phrases. Redundancy is when you repeat yourself or use words are not necessary in a sentence. I'm going to give you some examples and corrections!


1) 4 a.m. in the morning- A.m. means in the morning. 

Say: 4 in the morning or 4 a.m.

Same goes for p.m. Don't say 4 p.m. in the evening because p.m. already implies it's evening.


2)At this point in time- Just say "at this time," or simply "now".


3) An approximate guess-  You either approximate or you guess. They are the same thing. 


4) Believe you me- When you say "believe," the you is implied, so you don't need to include it.


5) Both alike- If you simply say "they are alike," you don't need both. 


6) Circle around- If you're circling, you are going around. 


7) Consensus of opinion- Just say consensus. If you have a consensus, you have a whole bunch of opinions working together.


8) Dead corpse- Corpses are dead. So, just say dead or corpse.


9) Estimated at about- Use "estimated at" or "about". Do  not use them together.


10) He is a man who/ She is a woman who- There are too many words here. Just say "he is..." and "she is..."


11) Pair of twins- Do not say this unless you are talking about two sets of twins (4 people)


12) The reason is because- Say " the reason is..." or  "because..." 


13) Too premature, too perfect, really pregnant, very unique- The things either are or aren't. You can't have varing degrees of them. If it's premature, then it's premature. Nothing can be "too perfect"; it's either perfect or it isn't.  You cannot be "really" pregnant; you're pregnant or you're not. etc.


14) The year of 1995- Just say "in 1995..."; the year is already implied. 


15) True fact- Facts are true. You only need to say "It's a fact". 


These are the redundant words people use when talking. Most of the time, people use words in sentences that are not needed. Knowing the meaning of the vocabulary you're using will help you to not make those mistakes. Study these sentences and remember the words. Let's avoid redundant sentences. Have fun!


Keith sensei


Hello, everyone. 

Today we're going to continue with words that are frequently used impropperly. Just like the last post, I will give the word, what it means, and an example of how and how not to use it.


1) Can/May

Can is used to ask if something is physically possible. (Think of this one as a question you're asking yourself)

May is used to ask for permission.


Can: (x) Can I borrow your pen?

       (0) I wonder if can I borrow that pen?

May: (x) I wonder if I may borrow his pen?

       (o) May I borrow your pen?


2) Can't hardly

Hardly is a negative word. Can't is also a negative word. Can't hardly means you CAN do something. So, use "can hardly" instead.

Ex: I can hardly wait to see the new movie this Friday.


3) Compare/Contrast

Compare means to look at the similar points of things.

Contrast means you're only looking at the differences of things.


Compare: Apples and oranges are fruits.

Contrast: Apples are sweet and lemons are sour.


4) Compare with/ Compare to

Compare with is used to point out similar points of two equal things.

Compare to is used to used to point out similarities.


Compare with: Compared with my car, his car is a lot slower.

Compare to: Shall I compare you behavior to an animal's?


5) Complement/Compliment

Complement is used to go together with something.

Compliment is used to say something nice.


Complement: The green cutains complements the walls.

Compliment: You look very nice today.


6) Could of

Never use "could of", "should of", or "would of". The propper way is "have". "Could have", "would have", etc.


7) Further/Farther

Further is used for time and quantity measurements.

Farther is used when you mean "more".


Further: I wanted to discuss my ideas further.

Farther: I want to walk a little farther down the path.


8) Fewer/Less

Fewer is used for things that can be counted.

Less is refers to a general quantity.


Fewer: Can I have fewer egg rolls? ( you can count each egg roll)

Less: Can I have less soup? ( you can count the bowls of soup, but not the amount. You can measure)


9) Former/Latter

Former refers to the first of two things 

Latter refers to the second, or last of the two.


Former: You have two choices: Stay or leave. ( former is stay). "I'll choose the former".

Latter: You have two choices* Stay or leave. (latter is leave). "I'll choose the latter."


10) Goes

Goes should NOT be used if your refering to what someone is saying. Use "says" instead. Goes is the third person singular verb of "to go". 

Ex: (x) I asked Jim to tell me his age and he goes "I'm not telling you anything!".

     (o) I asked Jim to tell me his age and he says "I'm not telling you anything!".


So these were some more offending words that can get you confused when using them. Study these words and its correct usage to improve your English. Remeber to speak slowly and clearly! Have fun! 


Keith Sensei

Hello, everyone.

Today we will be learning words that many people usually make mistake in using. So, I will be giving the words, definition and example on how to use. Once you understand these words, you'll have more confidence knowing you're using English vocabulary correctly.


1) Absolutely

This word means yes. It's more direct in its usage. Absolute, as a word, means definitive. 

ex: Absolutely! I'd love to go on vacation!


2) Affect/Effect

Affect is a verb; It means to influence. 

Effect is more of a noun, but can sometimes be used as a verb. Effect is the result。

Ex. Affect: His affect on the beautiful woman's feelings makes he uncomfortable.

     Effect: His charm has had a lasting effect on her life.


3) Aggravate/ Irritate

Aggravate means to make something/situation worse. 

Irritate means to get someone upset.

ex: Aggravate: The man aggravated the situation by continuing to curse.

     Irritate: The man was irritated because his children were so loud.


4) Agree with/ Agree to

You agree to do something. 

You agree with someone

ex: Agree with: I agree with your opinon. 

    Agree to: I never agreed to work there.


5) Ain't/Isn't

 Ain't is not a proper word. People use it in slang, however. 

Use "isn't" instead

(x) He ain't my brother

(o) He isn't my brother.

6) Allusion/Illusion

Allusion means to talk about something indirectly. 

Illusion is a visual disguise or a trick. 

Ex: This Batman comic has many allusions of Superman. (This comic references of Superman with directly talking about Superman. Ex: Someone burned a hole burned into a wall with heat vision) 

Illusion: He gave the illusion that he really loved school, but he didn't.


7) All together/ Altogether

All together means in a group. 

Altogether means completely.

ex: All together: Everyone! Let's lift this table all together!

     Althougher: The total is \10,000 altogether. (everything in the basket is totaled to \10,000)


8) As/like 

As is used when comparing phrase. 

Like is used when comparing nouns and pronouns

ex: As: She's almost as smart as I am. 

     Like: She acts just like her mother.


9) Basically

Basically is a word that is used too frequently. So it's better if it's not used.

Ex: Basically (x) Basically, I'm working there for the money.

                  (o) I'm working there for the money. 


10) Being that/ Being as

These phrases are also not needed. They sound too "pretentious (trying to sound or seem more important).

Just use because instead.

ex: Being that he's not apart of this group, he cannot accompany us on this trip.

     He cannot come along with us on this trip because he is not apart of this group.


These phrases are often confused with one another and gets used incorrectly. So, by learning the differences between the words, you can now use these phrases correctly with no worries of making mistakes! Remeber to speak slowly and clearly. Have fun!

Keith sensei. 



Hello, everyone.

Today I'm going to give you some examples on how to use grammar correctly. Recently, I made a post about grammar and I gave a few examples, but today I'd like to show you more examples of each catagory. So, I'll write out few sentences and underline the specific words that will identify each grammar topic.


Noun: person, place thing.

1) I went to the store to buy some shoes. 

(person: I/ place: the store/ thing: shoes)


2) Mr. Smith used the eraser to clean the blackboard in the classroom. 

(person: Mr.Smith/ place: classroom/ thing: eraser, blackboard


3) There are many people and buildings in Tokyo.

(person: people/ place: Tokyo/ thing: buildings


Pronoun: he, she, they, them, their, his hers

1) Mr. Smith says he won't return to his apartment until the walls are repaired.

(Mr.Smith, he, his)


2) Tonya said her friends will bring their kids when they visit tommorrow.

(Tonya, her, their, they)


3) The dog carried his toy back to his bed.

(dog, his, his)


Verbs: actions

1) I went to the store to buy some shoes.

(to go->went/ to buy)


2)Mr.Smith used the eraser to clean the blackboard.

(to use -> used/ to clean)


3) Tonya said her friends will bring their kids when they visit tommorrow.

(to say-> said/ bring/ visit)


4) I like to drink water when I eat my dinner.

(to like/ to drink/ to eat)


Adjectives: describing a noun

1) I bought a nice black shirt with blue jeans from the mall.

(nice, black, blue)


2) A small boy was riding a big bike down the road. 

(small, big)


3) Some people believe there are many ghosts living in Japan.

(some, many)


Adverbs: describes a verb

1) I always eat dinner at 8pm every day.

(always, every)


2) I wonder if I did well enough on my exam?



3) He will be here later.



4) I will arrive soon.



Prepositions: place, direction, time

    Place: The man is at the book store that's behind the trainstation. 

             (at, behind) 

    Direction: I rode my bicycle from Itsukaichi to Iwakuni.

                  (from, to)

    Time: I'll leave my house at 10 am so I can get to the trainstation by 10:20 am. I should reach work              before 12 pm.

            (at, by, before)


Conjuctions: connecting sentences

1) I went to work. I clocked in early./ I went to work and clocked in early.



2) I'm hungry. I don't like to eat late./ I'm hungry but I don't like to eat late.



3) Should I buy the shoes? Should I buy the jacket?/ Should I buy the shoes or the jacket? 



Interjections: single words before a sentence.

1) Wow ! You've gotten so tall!



2) Ha! He slipped on a banana.



3) Yes, you're correct.



Conjugations: past, present, future

1)(past simple) I walked from the store/(present simple) I walk from the store/(future simple) I will walk from the store.

(to walk / walked, walk, will walk)


2)(past continous) I was walking from the store/ (present perfect continuous) I have been walking from the store for an hour/ (future continuous) I will be walking from the store

(was walking / have been walking / will be walking)


Ok. This post was pretty long, but it gives a lot of details on how to use grammar correctly. By the time you're able to fully understand the grammar, you will be able to distingush the grammar in this paragraph.  So, from this point, try making your own sentences using this post as a guide. My next post will explain how to use punctuations! Remember to speak slowly and clearly! Also, when you write, speak the words at the same time. That will help you with your speech as well. Have fun!


Keith sensei.


Hello, everyone. 

Today we're going into depth on how to correctly use grammar in English. Many times people make a lot mistakes while speaking or writing sentences. With the correct knowledge of grammar usage, you can have confidence while you're speaking or writing English.


Noun (名詞) is a person; place; thing

Person (): Keith sensei, President Trump, Prime minister Abe

Place (場所): English school, home, library, City Hall

Thing (): Text book, pencil, notebook, markers


Pronoun (代名詞) is a substitute (置換) for a noun (名詞)

*he, she, his, hers, Mr., Ms

(X) Mike is happy Mike is getting a new dog from Mike's friend.

(O) Mike is happy he is getting a new dog from his friend.


Verb (動詞) is an action

Physical (身体): run, walk, eat, drink, sleep.

Mental (精神): Think, feel, sympathize, emphasize

* I will eat chicken later.

** I feel bad for him.


Adjective (形容詞) describes a noun

Red, small, large, my, which

* A red book. A large book. My house. Our house. Which computer.


Adverbs (副詞) describe a verb

Always, enough, later, soon

* I always eat at 3pm. I did well enough on my exam. He will be here later. I will arrive soon.


Preposition (前置詞)shows the relation of nouns and pronouns with other words

Place (場所): at, behind, around, through, over, above, in, after, under

* I am at work. The library is behind the City Hall. 

Direction (方向): from, to, away, after, into

* My friend came from the store. I'm going to the store. We're walking away from the store.

Time (時間): before, by, at, after, on, in

* I have to be there before 3pm. I have to be there by 4pm. I got there after 2pm. I must be at work on time.


Conjunction (結合) combines two sentences.

*and, but, although, or, neither, nor, either, not only.

(X) I went to school. I took a test

(O) I went to school and took a test.


Interjections (間投詞) are just words you can use alone to add emphasis to a sentence.

* wow !, ha!, yea

Wow! You did that alone? Ha! You look funny. Yes, you're right. 


Conjugations (変換): change the form of a verb. Past, present, future

Past simple: I walked home/ Present simple: I walk home/ Future simple: I will walk home

Past continuous: I was going/ Present continuous: I am going/ Future continuous: I will be going

Past perfect: I had gone/ Present perfect: I have gone/ Future perfect: I will have gone


So these are the major grammar points you should focus on to get better at English. Try using these examples and create your own sentences. If you'd like, you can send in your sentences and I can checked them for you! Remember to speak slowly and clearly. Have fun! 


Keith sensei


Hello, everyone! 

I'm back with some more vocabulary words for you. I hope they're helping and increasing your knowledge and understanding of English. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send a message and let me know!


1) Proud- 誇りに思う

Phrase- be proud of

Sentence- The photographer is proud of his work.



2) Advise- に助言する

Phrase- advise him to do

Sentence- I advised him to spend more time reading the papers.



3) Make- を作る

Phrase- be made of

Sentence- The company office is made of wood.



4) Ask- を頼む

Phrase- ask him to help me

Sentence- I will not ask him to help me any more.



5) Not--anymore- もう(これ以上)~~ ない

Phrase- not go abroad

Sentence- My grandparents will not go abroad anymore.


More** I didn't want to work for the same company as wife any longer.



6) Least- 最もう少ない。

Phrase- at least

Sentence- That kind of whale is at least three times as large as a dolphin.



7) ~times as...as - の~倍

Phrase- Four times as long as

Sentence- His speech was four times as long as mine.



8) Huge- 巨大な

Phrase- A new huge shopping center.

Sentence- We're afraid that a new huge shopping center will open near our store. 



9) Terrible- ひどい

Phrase- a terrible mistake

Sentence- I made a terrible mistake again.



10) Mistake- 間違う

Phrase- Make a mistake

Sentence- Be careful not to make the same mistake. 



Ok. So try using these vocabulary words, phrases and sentences and make your own sentences. These are just examples on how to use them. Speak slowly and clearly. Have fun!


Keith Sensei.

Hello again, everyone.

Today we're going over more vocabulary words, phrases and sentences. Remember, vocabulary words are vital for learning a new language. With a vast knowledge of vocabulary, it will help you to formulate sentences with ease. I see it on many occations. Some people can speak English on an entry level, but they struggle with completeing a sentence because they cannot find the right words to say, hence my vocabulary posts. I have high hopes that these posts will help you to make proper sentences while boosting your confidence. 

1) Almost- ほとんど

Phrase- almost always

Sentence- My uncle almost always brings a lot of presents on my birthday.


2) Present- プレセント

Phrase- an expensive present.

Sentence- I have to send him an expensive present.


3) Expensive- 高価

Phrase- expensive clothes

Sentence- My wife always wears expensive clothes.


4) Have to do- しければない。

Phrase- don't have to.

Sentence- You don't have to wear expensive clothes at home.


5) Wear- を着ている

Phrase- wear a uniform

Sentence- We have to wear a uniform at our company.


6) Clothes-

Phrase- take off clothes

Sentences- Take of those wet clothes.


7) Take off- 脱ぐ

Phrase- take off a hat

Sentence- The gentleman took off his hat and said hello.


8) Put on- を着る

Phrase- put on a pair of glasses.

Sentence- My boss puts on a pair of glasses when he reads the newspaper.


9) Pair- ひと組

Phrase- Five pairs of shoes.

Sentence- He bought five pairs of shoes for his sick daughter.


10) Sick- 病気の

Phrase- sick in bed

Sentence- She has been sick in bed for a long time. 



These vocabulary works are frequently used in the English language. The phrases and sentences are only examples, so you can use them to create your own sentences as well. Some of the words have more than one meaning. Example: Present (is a gift). Also, present ( past, present, future). Take off  (remove clothing), take off ( I am leaving, the airplane is taking off ). The most confusing thing about English ( besides the pronunciation ) is the different meanings a word may have. Once you have an understanding of the this, your level of English will increase dramatically. Remember to speak clearly and slowly. Have fun!


Keith Sensei

Hi, everyone.

Today we're going to learn some more vocabulary words and makes sentences out of them. 


1) Time- 時間

Phrase- be in time for

Sentence- I was in time for the first flight.



2) Late- 遅い

Phrase- be late for 

Sentence- I was late for the first flight.



3) Paper- かみ

Phrase- copy papers

Sentence- Copy these papers, will you?



4) Above- の上に

Phrase- above the horizon.

Sentence- The moon was above the horizon.



5) Horizon- 地平線

Phrase- below the horizon

Sentence- The moon set below the horizon.



6) Set- セット

Phrase- set dishes on the table.

Sentence- I set the dishes on the table with my wife. 



7) Dish- お皿

Phrase- my favorite dishes

Sentence- My wife always cooks my favorite dishes. 



8) Company- 会社

Phrase- work for a company

Sentence- I worked for my father's company after I left university.



9) Favorite- 好きな

Phrase- my favorite hobby

Sentence- Taking pictures of old buildings is my favorite hobby. 



10) Work- 仕事

Phrase- work hard

Sentence- You must work hard if you want to pass the exam.



So here are some extra words, phrases and sentences for you to use. Hopefully the translations will give you a better understanding on how to use them. Remember to speak slowly and clearly. Have fun!


Keith Sensei.


Hello, everyone!

Today we're going to learn some words, phrases and sentences as the topic suggests. I'm aware that most Japanese people can speak English to a certain extent, but the major problem for Japanese people would be vocabulary. So I will give some vocabulary words in the form of a phrases and its usage in a sentence.


1) Boss 上司

Phrase- My boss and coworkers 

Sentence- My boss and coworkers are fond of going for a drink after a meeting./ 私の上司と同様たちは会議の後にお酒を飲み行くのがすきです


2) Fond 好きな

Phrase- To be fond of

Sentence- My coworker, Mr. Yamamoto, is fond reading English newspapers./ 私の同僚の山本さんは英字新聞を読むのが好きです。


3) Coworker 同僚

Phrase- My coworker and her husband.

Sentence- My coworker, Ms. Tanaka, and her husband are good at tennis./ 私の同僚の田中さんとご主人はテニスが上手です。


4) Business 仕事、社長、事業

Phrase- How's business (going)

Sentence- How's business/?仕事はどうですか? - Mind your own business. = It's none of your business./ きみの知ったことではない


5) Wife 

Phrase- Husband and wife

Sentence- The husband and his wife wre students at the same college./ その夫婦は同じ大学の学生でした。


6) Same 同じ

Phrase- The same club as my boss.

Sentence- My husband belonged to the same club at college as my boss./ 私の夫は、私の上司と同じ大学のクラブに所属していた。


7) College 大学

Phrase- Enter the same college

Sentence- My coworker's son entered the same college as my brother's wife./ 私の同僚の息子は、私の兄の妻と同じ大学に入った。


8) Belong (-に)所属する

Phrase- Belong to a tennis club

Sentence- I belonged to the tennis club in my school days./ 学生時代、私はテニス部に所属していた。


9) Entrance 入口、入学

Phrase- An entrance examination

Sentence- They took the entrance examination together. / 彼らは一緒に入学試験を受けました


10) Take をとる、を受ける

Phrase- Take over-引き継ぐ

Sentence- I took over the business from my father. (Take> took> taken)/ 私は父から仕事を引き継いだ”


I will begin posting some vocabulary words for you to read and learn in the future. It will be the best way for you get better at speaking and understanding the English language. The more vocabulary words you know, the better you will become. I will also post some grammar lessons for you to study as well! Remember to speak slowly and clearly. Have fun! 

Keith Sensei.


Hello, everyone.

Today I'm going to teach you how to express your feelings to the special someone in your life. Keep in mind, I'm no love doctor. I'm only an English teacher, so I can teach you how to say what you want in English. These phrases were hand picked by me and they are, in my opinion, the usual statements you'd make in the given situation.

1) I have a crush on you.


2) Can I call you tonight?


3) May I ask you out?


4) Are you seeing anyone now?


5) Let's have a cup of tea or something.


6) You're my type.


7) I'm deeply in love with you.


8) I fell in love with you at first sight.


9) I can't stop loving you.


10) Kiss me


So, today's list was more on the romantic side. These statements and phrases should help with conveying your feelings to your crush. Remember to speak slowly and clearly. Have fun! and in this case, GOOD LUCK!


Keith Sensei.