同窓会~7月13日(火)~ | The New York Blog





高校の同窓会は、4日間かけて行われ、世界中から懐かしい顔が集まった。この再会はあまりにエモーショナルなものになり、僕は皆より少し早めに日曜日の朝発ったこともあり、泣きこそしなかったけれども、別れ際に泣いてしまった人もいるほど。ビジネススクールの5 year reunionも昨年行ったけれども、ビジネススクールの同窓会はファンドレージングの色彩も強く、プログラムも分刻みで入っているのと比べると、こちらは食事の場所と時間が大まかに決められ、夕方にディスカッションの時間が入っている以外は極めてルーズで、ずっと海岸やバーで友人たちと過ごした。校長を始め先生たちとも再会し、驚くことに何人かはまだ教鞭を取っていた。天気も素晴らしく、僕は友人たちと一時間以上の遠泳を、二回もやってしまった。現在この高校は全てwi-fi網が完備されていたけれども、友人たちと過ごす時間が一寸でも惜しく、結局持参していたパソコンは一度たりとも開かなかった。



Why is it that Duino evokes such strong feelings within you? Makes you feel like you are sixteen all over again - unable to cope with the avalanche of emotion you thought you had lost decades ago. Why is saying goodbye so hard? Goodbye to people - you met for two days after twenty years - that just does not seem right. Why does everything else suddenly fade into insignificance - family, career, aspirations - things which you thought mattered so much to you. Why does the rest of life just seem to be a set of anticlimaxes - like a gigantic wave cresting before it disintegrates and hits the shore? Never knew that you had so much depth of feeling - or at least had forgotten it years ago. The ache in the heart - is that real? Maybe you should have hugged that person that one second longer, said goodbye to someone else you missed, been kinder to someone you ignored - would that have made a difference - really? You don't know. Why does life suddenly seem so busy but so full of emptiness - and you long to reach out to people who shared the experience with you? Why is it so hard to explain to anyone else who did not go to Duino why this experience is so magical, so special? Is it because days and night blend into one other and you lose a sense of time when you are in Duino? Maybe there is some kind of secret genetic bond which secretly connects us? Or was it the magical aroma of the lavenders which cast a spell on us? Could it be that all these people you just met make you believe there is hope for this world - that behind all the complexity and disagreements - people can really love each other in the true sense of the word? Maybe it's because you know you can tell them things you cannot even dream of telling your other friends - and still come out the conversation without being judged and still being accepted. Does everyone feel this way - you wonder? Maybe it's just me - I don't know. As the days intolerably grind on and the rest of life take center stage, the ache will be relegated to the background. You know that - we all know that. But we also know that Duino is not going anywhere - it will always remain in the depths of our hearts.

I thought articulating my emotions on paper will liberate me - already feeling a touch better :)

