
Do you notice anything different about me? I'm wearing earrings! They are clip-on earrings. Actually, since I don't have my ears pierced, I can only use these. I was lucky enough to find nice clip-on type earrings because most pretty ones we find at shops are pierced earrings.

You may be wondering why I haven't gotten my ears pierced when most girls fashionably get theirs pierced. That's because some people say that having holes punched into your body could change your life - Some have better lives while others have worse after being piered. I'm satisfied with my life now, so I don't want it to be changed even if there is possibility of leading a better life.

But to be honest, what I've just said could be merely a good excuse to avoid piercing.
I know pierced earrings have been said to fend off evil spirits and bad luck down the ages.
I've even heard of a frozen mummified body with pierced earrings that dated back thousands of years.

I wonder if I am just a big chicken who is scared of having holes punched into her ears.