詐欺被害と戦える強いチェリティー団体の構築を目指してます | itaru369のブログ






There are many fraudulent explanations and scammers lurking in investment solicitations.


● Common points for judging whether it is a fraud or not

Scammers act as if they are revealing their existence, but they always have at least one hidden point.

They use a method that makes it impossible for anyone to track them when specifying a remittance destination. At that time, I often make excuses and use MoneyGram, WesternUnion, and virtual currency. They do not specify a bank account in the name of the sender to the sender.


● People who have suffered damage from fraud

Fraud not only destroys the victim's property, but also spreads the damage to those around the victim. And not only money, but also hearts are destroyed.

Fraud damage is not only fraud victims but also victims indirectly.


“ How can the victim resolve this situation? ”

" How can I personally save the victims? "


After seeing so many scam victims, how can I eliminate such a sad sight ? 

I have been thinking for a long time without being able to find an answer.


①.It is too difficult for one person to save a victim. However, if I can gather like-minded people like myself and form a group, we may be able to solve the problem.


②.In order for a charity to continue its activities, it must have a way to ensure that its funds are not exhausted. 

Even so, I don't think that the method of continuing donations is really stable funding. 

Maybe there's a fundraising scam going on somewhere.

Therefore, rather than eradicating fraud and saving victims, donations may increase the number of donation scammers and victims of donation fraud somewhere. Therefore, I cannot support charity activities through donation activities.



Whether my answer is correct or not, it probably should be.


If I can commercialize charity activities, I can solve it.

If people who can participate in this activity provide funds, and the donations are returned to the funders with more money, 

it will can prove that the organization is really working seriously.

And if someone who was saved by fraud reports the results, everyone will admit it will as proof of the results.


Now I am starting alone.

So let me build this system.

And I would like to continue to publish these results to the public forever.


By all means, please cooperate with me.