For more detailed ways of updating the table of contents, or to create a table of contents, use the Open in Word command to open the document in your desktop version of Word (Windows or Mac). To learn more, see steps for creating a table of contents in Word for Windows or Mac. May 22, 2017.

You already know that a table of contents makes it easier for your readers to work with long documents of 10 or more pages. They give printed documents a sophisticated look and feel, and add ebook-like navigation to onscreen documents.

But did you know that tables of contents are wicked easy to create and update in Microsoft Word? I created the following table of contents with just three clicks—and so can you. Here’s how!

In this article I’ll show you how to create a table of contents (ToC) in Word 2013—but you’ll use the same process to create one in Word 2010, Word 2007 and Word 2011 for the Mac.

Inserting a table of contents

In Word, tables of contents rely on your use of styles to format headings. If you already used the Heading 1, Heading 2, and other heading styles to format your document, you’re ready to insert your ToC. Follow these steps to insert a table of contents:

  1. Click in your document where you want to create the table of contents. If you’d like it to appear on its own page, insert a page break (Ctrl+Enter) before and after inserting the ToC.
  2. Click the References tab. In the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents.
  3. Choose the style of Table of Contents you wish to insert. Automatic Table 1 creates a ToC titled Contents. Automatic Table 2 creates a ToC titled Table of Contents.

Word will create a ToC from the document text you styled with one of the first three heading styles: Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3. The ToC will include a string of dots called a leader between the heading text and the page number for each heading.

Hold Ctrl and click on one of the page numbers to navigate to that location in the document. When people reading your document on-screen hover over a page number, they’ll be reminded that they can use the ToC for navigation.

No styles?

If the headings in your document aren’t formatted with styles, before inserting your table of contents, select each of the top-level headings for your ToC and apply the Heading 1 style from the Styles group on the Home tab of the ribbon.

Select all the second-level headings and apply the Heading 2 style, and so on. With your heading styles all applied, click on the References tab and insert your table of contents.

Inserting a custom ToC

Create A Table Of Contents In Word 2016 For Mac Pdf

The default Word ToC includes the first three heading levels; you won’t want this much detail in ToCs for longer documents. Even in a shorter document, you might choose to only include Heading 1 and Heading 2 text in your ToC. When inserting the ToC, choose Insert Table of Contents to specify formatting—including how tab leaders and page numbers are formatted, and which heading levels to include.

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If you formatted your headings with distinct styles for each level, but used styles other than the built-in heading styles, click the Options button in the Table of Contents dialog box to map the styles you used to the ToC framework.

Create A Table Of Contents In Word 2016 For Mac Pro

Just as the ToC is created based on styles, it’s also built to beformatted with styles. If you want to change the font, font size, or other formatting attributes of the ToC, click the Modify button in the Table of Contents dialog box and specify your formatting for each ToC heading level. Any formatting you apply directly to the TOC is discarded whenever the TOC is updated.

Updating your ToC

After you’ve edited your document, page numbers and headings may change, which will make your ToC incorrect! But don’t worry. To update your Table of Contents, right-click in the table and choose Update Field, or choose Update Table from the Table of Contents group on the References tab. Select entire table or page numbers only and click OK to regenerate the table of contents from your headings.

It’s a good practice to update the table of contents before printing or sharing a document in case it has been modified since the last time the ToC was updated.

Create A Table Of Contents In Word 2016 For Mac Free

Note: You don’t need to wait until your document is finished to insert a table of contents. If you’re creating a long document, create a table of contents from an outline so that you can navigate using the ToC while you’re working on the document.

Not all documents require a table of contents; they’re inappropriate for letters and memos, obviously, and overkill for smaller documents.

Tables of contents shine in formal reports and documents of more than 10 pages. Any document that merits a cover page would also benefit from a table of contents to provide a high-level outline and built-in navigation for the people who use the document.

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How to create a table of contents in Word

Imagine you’re working with a really long document in Microsoft Word, like an academic paper or a big report. Depending on the project, it might be dozens or even hundreds of pages long! When a document is this large, it can be difficult to remember which page has what information. Fortunately, Word allows you to insert a table of contents, making it easy to organize and navigate your document.

A table of contents is just like the list of chapters at the beginning of a book. It lists each section in the document and the page number where that section begins. A really basic table of contents might look like this:

You could create a table of contents manually—typing the section names and page numbers—but it would take a lot of work. And if you ever decide to rearrange your sections or add more information, you’ll have to update everything all over again. However, with the right formatting, Word can create and update a table of contents automatically.

We’ll use Word 2013 to show you how to create a table of contents, but you can use theexact same method in Word 2010 or Word 2007.

Step 1: Apply heading styles

If you’ve already read Styles lesson, you know they’re an easy way to add professional text formatting to different parts of your document. Styles also serve another important purpose: adding a hidden layer oforganization andstructure to your document.

If you apply a heading style, you’re telling Word that you’ve started a new part of your document. When you insert the table of contents, it will create a section for each heading. In the table of contents above, each chapter uses a heading style, so there are four sections.

To apply a heading style, select the text you want to format, then choose the desired heading in the Styles group on the Home tab.

Step 2: Insert the table of contents

Now for the easy part! Once you’ve applied heading styles, you can insert your table of contents in just a few clicks. Foundation education program prison architect. Navigate to theReferences tab on the Ribbon, then click theTable of Contents command. Select a built-in table from the menu that appears, and the table of contents will appear in your document.

As you can see in the image below, the table of contents uses the heading styles in your document to determine where each section begins. Sections that begin with a Heading 2 or Heading 3 style will be nested within a Heading 1 style, much like a multilevel list.

A table of contents also creates links for each section, allowing you to navigate to different parts of your document. Just hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click to go to any section.

Step 3: Update as needed

If you edit or add to your document, it’s easy to update the table of contents. Just select the table of contents, clickUpdate Table, and choose Update Entire Table in the dialog box that appears. The table of contents will then update to reflect any changes.

No matter how large your document may be, you can see there’s nothing complicated about creating a table of contents.

Creating Table of Figures

If you have Figures, Graphics, Charts etc. and want to list them all in a table format then Microsoft Word can help you to do that easily, with an option to create auto table of figures. We wrote before the process to create table of contents in Word, and today we are writing that how you can automaticallycreate table of figures in Word 2007 / 2010.

Step 1

Create a table of contents in word 2016 for mac free

Simply open your Word document, scroll down to the figure and select figure’s caption. Now, click on the arrow besides Change Styles, and select Heading style from options available suppose I selected Heading 5, in the same manner apply Heading 5 to all figure’s captions of your document

Step 2

Click on References menu > Insert Table of Figures

Following window will open, make here changes according to your requirement and click Options button

In this window select Heading 5 as Style and click OK and also close the previous screen

See Table of Figures is inserted in document

Update Table of Figures

In case if you insert or delete and figure in document then you also have to update table of figures, to do that simply select the table of figures you created and navigate toReferences menu > Update Table and that’s all.

We hope now it will be easy for you to create table of contents and table of figures automatically for your Word 2007 or 2010 documents, so if you have any further questions then just write us in comments by the end of this post.

Create Your List of Tables

You can create your List of Tables anytime during your writing. But, I usually add my List of Tables at last after I captioned all the tables I have in my document.

To create your List of Tables, follow these steps:

  1. Position your mouse cursor at location where you want to display your List of Tables
  2. Under Reference menu, click Insert Table of Figures
  3. Clear the box next to ‘Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers’
  4. Make sure you select Table for Caption label box
  5. Click OK.

You List of Tables has just been created!