The Strange Circus...Eng, | いしだ壱成オフィシャルブログ『Arrivals』powered by アメブロ

The Strange Circus...Eng,


First of all, I would like to thank you for many of lovely mails
from Germany, South Korea, Canada,many part of China,and Taiwan.
I am so glad to have encouraging words of you. It really makes my day
nice and clear!! and also gives me the power to live up!!
Thank you so much again.

These days, I just finished the new film shooting of 「My Rainbow Man」
and 「Do you believe in Peace,Love and Understanding?2007」...
Yes it was wonderful moment as always is. Both film should be come out on
end of this year. and I can hardly wait!!

Some like this, I feel happiness when I get sweet message from over seas,
my play had shown on screen,or TV, and film festival.I'm glad I doing this
life work of acting.

So, most of the message was about the film 「The Strange Circus」by Sion Sono.
This film been awarded on film festival of Busan,Berlin,and Montreal.
I would like to give a big cheers for great film makar Mr Sono.
I always love his work, and also he is respectable peason as well.
even when we were on shooting the film, he never compromise to take the picture he really needs. if the schedule was not on time, he never cares, untill he could take good shot, he never gave up. truly professional!!
but also, he did not forget to take care of actors and all the crews juring the shooting. everyday and night when we were on site, he used to came down to me and asked me how I feel? ok or not? confortable with scene or the act?
have any question? having fun? almost anything!!
The story was kind of pitiful and shocking, impression was..and my part was very much important for the development of story making,I had to be careful and sensitive as well.Because my part could not be show him(her?)self untill the end of the whole film. I was nervous,but Sono, he always try to make me fun to play this part,and lots and lots of help out. and I felt love with my part and the story, offcourse Mr Sono too!!
And shoot finished,and it went over to many film festival. got award.
How wonderful moment that we here the news,and many many people in Europe and
Asia,and Canada watched that film,it is also wonderful experience for my life.
I will keep my self up and walk on with you and my people.
thank you for reading, and please take care of your selves.
And as a every time...excuse me for my english is not good,
Now the very bad flu is attacking all over in Japan,also please be careful with cold or flu as well!!

Thank you!! and have a wonderful days!!

Load of love...Issei