HUP HOLLAND!! | いしだ壱成オフィシャルブログ『Arrivals』powered by アメブロ


Hi there!!

Thank you for mail me and visit my web site from many many countries, I am so happy to write message to you all over the world and so we allways can keep in touch like this way!! hehe..
So I guess everyone is getting hot and exited about world cup 2006 on this june and next month.
Offcource, I was born in Japan and as usual I vote for Japanese team for trophy!!
But then also, I love Dutch team as well, they play damn good!!!! and beautiful and also smart!!
Like the machine or someones came from outer space. Especialy this competition!! They are so different this year, strong and looks ready for win the game I can see it even from the TV!!
I believe they goes to final and and and!! Now I am in Tokyo, and there is mutch against Argentina
is about to kick off in 2hrs!! It is 3:00 in the morning but oh I can not go to sleep...And I hope it will be such a exiting game too!!
These days I'm having DJ tour@night clubs in most cities of Japan to play music and make people dance and party!!Tour goes untill I get in to shooting of my next film.Well..Tokyo,Osaka,Kyoto..Kita-Kyusyu,Ise and many city. This friday I gonna Nagoya for play and I can't hardly wait!! And offcourse I very very want to play and dance together in your country near future too!!
Wow wow wow.. it is time to get ready for watch the game of my team!!
Thank you for read message and you have to excuse me for my english is not so good!! hehe(^-^)...
Ciao for now and sleep tight!! Or if you are watching world cup game, have a nice and exiting moment!!

Warm wishes...Issei