#poseoftheday #setubandhasarvangasana #bridgepose

Lie on your back, arms extendedand knees bent. Pull heels close to the glutes. Push heels down and lift glutes off the mat.
Engage abs, try to align knees and hips. If its comfortable you can interlace fingers underneath hips and pull shoulder blades together to lift the body higher.
Make sure no excess pressure or pain on your neck or spine.
If you are new to this pose, rather than holding the pose longer, lift up and down with sincing in to the breathes several times.

#myyogachallenge2016 #day60 #oneposeaday #yogaeveryday #yogaforeverybody #igyogi #basicyogaposes #islandlifeyoga #islandlife #okinawa #okinawayoga #yoga #ヨガ #アーサナ #家ヨガ #マタニティ#38weekspregnan