冒頭の言葉は、アンチ禁煙の立場からの提言ですが、男性の場合だけを例にしています。男性がたばこを吸っていたピークは1966年です。喫煙率は1966年の83.7%から2011年までに33.7%と減る一方で、肺がん死亡数は1958年の2,919人から2010年は50,395人と増えている。だからたばこが原因ではない、と言い切れるかどうか。ダメです。1966年の男子が肺がんになるまでの30年の潜伏期間を計算にいれてないからです。喫煙率が減っているのに肺がん数は増えていると一概には言えないのです。 こういうのをbiasがかかった結論と言います。しかしずっと吸い続けて高齢になったら必ず肺がんで死ぬと言えるかといえば、これもどうかです。それを調査するには、1966年から前の環境で暮らしていた高齢者だけを対象にしなければわかりません。以下のグラフは喫煙者には嬉しいかもしれませんが、biasがかかっていて科学的ではないのです。

今日のたばこ論文は肺がんとたばこ環境についてですが、A woman who has never smoked has an estimated 24% greater risk of lung cancer if she lives with a smokerというところがポイントです。本人が吸うか吸わないかもありますが、分煙されていないところで暮らしている人が肺がんになる可能性も同じぐらい高いとあります。分煙が中途半端で、しかも吸っている人の環境が悪ければ、双方で病気になっていくということです。The accumulated evidence on lung cancer and environmental tobacco smoke

BMJ 1997;315:980-988 (18 October) A K Hackshaw, lecturer, M R Law, reader,aN J Wald, professor .Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, St Bartholomew’s and Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London EC1M 6BQ

Objective: To estimate the risk of lung cancer in lifelong non-smokers exposed to environmental tobacco smoke. Design: Analysis of 37 published epidemiological studies of the risk of lung cancer (4626 cases) in non-smokers who did and did not live with a smoker. The risk estimate was compared with that from linear extrapolation of the risk in smokersusing seven studies of biochemical markers of tobacco smoke intake. Main outcome measure: Relative risk of lung cancer in lifelong non-smokers according towhether the spouse currently smoked or had never smoked. Results: The excess risk of lung cancer was 24% (95% confidence interval 13% to 36%) in non-smokers who lived with a smoker (P<0.001). Adjustment for the effects of bias (positive and negative) and dietary confounding hadlittle overall effect; the adjusted excess risk was 26% (7% to 47%). The dose-response relation of the risk of lung cancer with both the number of cigarettes smoked by thespouse and the duration of exposure was significant. The excess risk derived by linear extrapolation from that in smokers was 19%, similar to the direct estimate of 26%. Conclusion: The epidemiological and biochemical evidence on exposure to environmentaltobacco smoke, with the supporting evidence of tobacco specific carcinogens in the blood and urine of non-smokers exposed to environmental tobacco smoke, provides compelling confirmation that breathing other people’s tobacco smoke is a cause of lung cancer. Key messages・A woman who has never smoked has an estimated 24% greater risk of lung cancer if she lives with a smoker
・Neither bias nor confounding accounted for the association
・There is a dose-response relation between a non-smoker’s risk of lung cancer and the number of cigarettes and years of exposure to the smoker
・The increased risk was consistent with that expected from extrapolation of the risk in smokers using biochemical markers