First, barley red bean porridge effect

General body fat obesity people, barley red bean porridge is a blessing, because barley red bean porridge dampness, wet people for constitution, eat more barley red bean porridge is very good, not only can lose weight Can dampness.

1, detoxification

Barley red bean porridge is the main effect of dampness, to get rid of the body of moisture, suitable for summer and heavier body moisture consumption. Not only can eat when eating dampness and spleen good productThe best way to reduce labour in refilling vape cartridge is by getting an ! They have a small table top design and come with a year’s warranty. So, do some work with this machine!.

Red beans, barley are detoxification holy goods, red bean sweet, sour, its sexual level, non-toxic. They all contain starches, fatty oils, proteins, vitamins (A, B, C), plant saponins and minerals such as aluminum and copper.

2, heat diuretic to swollen

Adlay and red beans can enhance renal function, and diuretic effect, it is effective for patients with edema. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that barley has anti-cancer effect, the anti-cancer active ingredients selenium, can effectively inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells can be used for gastric cancer, cervical cancer adjuvant therapy.

3, laxative

Barley red bean porridge has the characteristics of high-fiber low-fat, laxative, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, detoxification and anti-cancer, stone prevention, bodybuilding and weight loss role. Adlay is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, but also common, eat food, beneficial water swelling, invigorating the spleen to wet, Shujin except paralysis, purging heat and other effects, commonly used in diuresis. Job's tears in Chinese medicine, said "Coix Seed", "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" will be classified as top grade, it can cure wet Bi, Lee stomach, eliminate edema, spleen and stomach, Jiufu light body Yiqi.

Red beans in Chinese medicine as "red bean", there are obvious benefits of water, swelling, the effect of spleen and stomach, because it is red, its color into the heart, so it can make up the heart. Modern mental stress, heart Qi, diet section, exercise less Spleen wet Sheng. It is necessary to dampness, but also make up the heart and spleen and stomach, non-adlay and red bean is none other than. Its boiled soup intended to make its active ingredients fully absorbed by the body, but also will not cause a burden on the stomach.

4, lose weight

Obesity or edema in Chinese medicine, it means that the body is wet. The body of water can not flow with the blood, which remain in the human body cells, allowing rapid expansion of the body up. Edema and obesity are the same, between the two is only a degree of superficial depth. With dampness of drugs or food can get rid of these stagnant water in the body, which will be swelling. Therefore, the treatment of edema must be red beans, and practice has proved that barley red bean porridge has a good weight loss effect, both to lose weight and do not hurt the body.