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PDF_  Hell Is a World Without You | Rarely has an Evangelical upbringing been depicted with the relentless honesty, wide-ranging empathy, and Superbad-meets-Siddhartha playfulness of HELL IS A WORLD WITHOUT YOU. During the time of Pizza Hut buffets, 9/11, and all-night Mario Kart parties, a grieving teenager faces a mortal crossroads: fire-and-brimstone certainty vs. forbidden love. And whether or not you&#8217ve ever begged God to delay the Rapture (so you could have time to lose your virginity), that kid&#8217s story is about you.&quotBest-seller.&quot&#8212USA Today, IndieReader, Bookshop&#8220Thank you to Jason Kirk.&#8221&#8212The Trevor Project, after this novel&#8217s launch raised over  50,000 for the LGBTQ charity&#8220Emotionally pure, devilishly funny. Adored it.&#8221 &#8212Brian Dannelly, co-writer/director, Saved!&#8220Hilarious, big-hearted, deeply humane. Miracle.&#8221 &#8212Brian Phillips, NYT Best-Selling author&#8220No book has better depicted Evangelical terror. I loved it.&#8221 &#8212Jane 