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$PDF$/READ/  The Greatest Attacker in Chess: The Enigmatic Rashid Nezhmetdinov | Rashid Nezhmetdinov (1912-1974) played fearless attacking chess. With his dazzling style, the Soviet master already was a legend during his lifetime, but international fame largely eluded him. Only once did he get permission to show his exceptional talent in a tournament abroad.Five times Nezhmetdinov was chess champion of the Russian Federation. In the 1961 Soviet Championship, he won the &#8216Best Game&#8217 prize for a spectacular win against&#8230 Mikhail Tal who praised his opponent for his &#8216amazing creativity.&#8217 Other stars that &#8216Nezh&#8217 defeated in grand style included Spassky, Polugaevsky, Bronstein, and Geller.His games, full of tactical pyrotechnics, are his legacy and have reached an ever-growing audience. Nezhmetdinov&#8217s shocking strategic queen sacrifice, in 1962 against Chernikov, as shown on Agadmator&#8217s YouTube channel, has become the best-watched chess video of all time with millions of views.In this book, Cyrus Lakdawala pays tribute to the 