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  [PDF]  Moose Farts: The Moose Who Let Loose From His Caboose | Read Along And Find Out How This Trickster Moose Unleashes His Terrible Gas On Everyone He Meets      His Smelly Pranks Are Creative & Fun!                         Stage Diving In a Theater     Crop Dusting A Bus     Stinking Out The Neighbors         Sneak Attack At night! He's A Clever One This Moose Add This To Your Cart Today For Some Super Fun Laughs!         Editorial Review - By Diana Coyle for Reader Views I have to admit, when I saw the title of this children?s book, I laughed out loud and knew I had to review it. I wanted to read what Moose was up to and see what his silly pranks were all about. When I read it, Ms. Burke did not disappoint in entertaining me with Moose?s antics. I would love to know what prompted the author to come up with this book idea because, obviously, she has one funny sense of humor in how she portrayed Moose in this children?s book. I can only imagine if this book was read out loud to a group of children, the amount of laughter that would fill the 