美しい国カザフスタン Interesting Kazakhstan! | IORI handmade 旅と絵

IORI handmade 旅と絵

美大院卒→フィレンツェ留学→世界一周→結婚→出産→子育て 旅の絵を描いています。InstagramとYou TubeチャンネルもIORI handmadeです。


My new friend chases after a butterfly sometimes.


I going to Kyrgyzstan after here. A kyrgyz have practiced a traditional culture since long ago... is a form of bride kidnapping still practised in Kyrgyzstan. (by Wikipedia)

It's one of a nonconsensual marriage. Kazakhstan also :-O???

What should I do!? Because I'm very beautiful, don't you think so? haha!!
If I'm kidnapped by them...

Then, I'm gonna invite you for our wedding. Coooome笑

...yeah, Just kidding. I can die now cause I'm too stupid.
Yesterday it rained heavily! A street looked like it's a milk tea's river!!


Zenkov's Cathedral.

It's Green Bazaar!! So large!

This mini market is near of my hostel, I bought an icecream!

Milk tea rain!!

The hostel.

The garden and my fun friend running after a butterfly :D

I cooked a pasta!
