注意:本記事は BL (Boys Love)かつR18作品についての記事です。苦手な方はお読みにならないでください。
Note: This article is about BL (Boys Love) and R-rated. Please do not read this if you are not comfortable with it.

(For foreign readers: I wrote in English after the Japanese text. I'm not very good at English, but I hope you can read it to the end.)

2020.12.18 追記:関連記事が多くなったのでこちらにまとめました。→WHY R U? 関連記事まとめ

(For foreign readers: I have compiled my articles related to WHY R U? The Series here, but Japanese only sorry; WHY R U? 関連記事まとめ)

2022.1.8  視聴できなくなっていたビデオへのリンクを削除しました。








視聴するには(2020.11.17, 2020.12.08 加筆修正)

Contents in English


How I got to know

About "WHY R U? The Sereis"

Summary of "WHY R U? The Sereis"

Introduction of Main Characters and Main Cast

My impressions and thoughts

How to watch (2020.11.03, 2020.12.08 postscript)


突然ですが、今回は、タイのBLドラマ「WHY R U? The Series」について書こうと思います。






簡単に申し上げますと、Twitter 上でタイのBLドラマが面白い、と日本語で紹介されているのを最近見つけたのがきっかけです。その方のツイートを勝手に載せることはできないので詳細は申し上げませんが、四つの作品が紹介されていました。そのうち、演じている俳優さんのルックスから今回紹介する「WHY R U? The Series」と「2gether The Series(こちらは放送中)」を視聴しました。今回紹介しないもう一つの作品については、後日紹介できたら良いなと思います。また、日本からは見ることができない「Tharn Type The Series」という作品も圧倒的に人気なようで気になっているので、公式で見ることができるようになったら紹介したいと思います。


放送:2020年, ONE31 / LINE TV, 全13話

ディレクター:Cheewin Thanamin Wongskulphat

Official Teaser はこちら:


主人公の Zon はタイのとある大学に通う男子学生。彼には同じ大学に通う、人気BL小説家の妹 Zol がいる。ある日のこと、Zon は 妹の小説に自分が登場していることから口喧嘩になり、売り言葉に買い言葉で、彼女の書くBL小説が現実のものとなる、という誓いを意に反して立ててしまう。彼女の小説では、Zon とは犬猿の仲である Saifahと Zon、Zon の友人である Tutor と Tutor とは犬猿の仲で先輩の Fighter が、それぞれ恋仲として描かれている。現実世界でも、Saifah と Zon は音楽を通して、Fighter と Tutor は関わり合いを通して、互いへの理解を深め、やがて恋仲になっていく。





  • Zon(演:Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol)
    SF が大好きな男子大学生。妹は成績優秀な上に人気小説家である一方、彼は小説を書いてはいるものの閲覧数は伸びず、成績も悪く、両親から小説を書くのを止めて勉強に集中するように言われる。妹の書く BL小説が現実のものとなることに戦々恐々とする羽目になる。Saifah とは犬猿の仲だが、あることがきっかけで徐々に Saifah の良さを知り、絆されていく。

    キャストである Tommy さんは、目鼻立のはっきりとした、濃いめの端正な顔立ちのイケメンさんです。ドラマではコミカルな表情がメインでしたが、男らしい表情も、色っぽい表情もできる方だなと感じました。
  • Saifah(演:Jimmy Karn Kritsanaphan)
    Zon はあることが原因で敵対心を剥き出しにしているが、そんな Zon をしょっちゅうからかっている。高身長かつイケメンで女子からも大変モテる。ギターを弾くことができる。あることがきっかけで Zon と距離を縮めていき、いつの間にか好きになっていく。

    キャストである Jimmy さんはひょろりとした、長身で細身かつベビーフェイスの持ち主です。不思議な魅力がある方だなと思います。
  • Tutor(演:Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana)
    Zon の友人で薄幸の美少年。入学時から先輩である Fighter が気に食わない。家庭の事情でアルバイトを掛け持ちしながら大学に通う苦学生。Fighter に対しては肉欲も絡みつつ、徐々に惹かれていく。しっかりしていて面倒見が良いため、友達からはよく相談を持ちかけられる。いつもにこやかで強くあろうとするが、脆さを抱えている。

    キャストである Saint さんは、長身で可愛らしい中に男らしさを感じさせるイケメンさんです。出演者の中で新人である人としては最もキャリアがあるらしいです。歌手活動もされている様子。明るくやんちゃな表情、キュートな表情、セクシーな表情、クールな表情、悲しみに沈む表情、ダークな表情、扇情的な表情など、たくさん引き出しをお持ちの方だと思いました。今後、他の出演作品も見たいと感じました。
  • Fighter(演:Zee Pruk Panich
    Tutor の学部の先輩。お金持ちの息子で、何かとお金で解決したがる。入学時から Tutor のことが気になっているが、その想いをなかなか認めない。そのためか Tutor への絡み方は素直ではなく、反感を買っている。Tutorへの想いを認めた後は、愛情表現が素直なものになる。

    キャストである Zee さんは、濃く太い眉毛がチャーミングな長身イケメンさんです。Saint さん曰く鼻と眉毛からコアラに似ているとのこと。所属している DoMunDi というグループではいじられキャラなようですが、それは人柄のなせる技なのかもしれない、と感じます。声が低めで落ち着いているので、歌を歌っているのを聞いてみたいなと感じました。




私自身はもともと、LGBT は知っていましたが、初めて「LGBTQ」という言葉をこの作品の字幕から知りました。


LGBT とはセクシュアリティを表す言葉として使われており、簡単に言えば、L は Lesbian(レズビアン・女性の同性愛者)、G は Gay(ゲイ・男性の同性愛者)、B は Bisexual(バイセクシュアル・男性と女性両方を愛することができる人)、T は(トランスジェンダー・身体的な性別と精神的な性別が異なる人)を表しています。精神的な性別というのは、難しい言葉で言うと「性自認」で、自分のことをどういう性別だと思っているか、というものです。LGBT という四つの分類は、男性と女性という二つの性に基づいていますが、最近では、無性であったり誰に対しても性的欲求や恋愛感情を抱かない人など、LGBT の枠には収まらない人たちもいるのだという認識が広まり、セクシュアルマイノリティの総称として Q すなわち Queer(クィア)が使われるようになっているそうです。


この作品では、LGBTQ に対する偏見も描かれていて、LGBTQ の方だけでなく、多くの人にとって勇気を感じるメッセージが含まれているように私は感じました。どんなことであれ、自分の気持ちを素直に見つめ受け止めること、そして同時に他者を尊重することは大事だと改めて感じたのです。だからこそ、本当はこの作品をBL作品というカテゴリでおさめないでほしいという気持ちもありますが、冒頭にあのようなメッセージを記したのは、どうしても苦手な方はいると思うからです。できるだけフラットに見て欲しいけれど、それは強制的に押し付けていいものでもない、個人の価値観の問題でもあると私は考えます。LGBTQ の問題にかかわらず、社会全体として、この価値観や考えが正しいのだ、正義なのだ、と押し付ける傾向はずっと昔から変わっていないと私は感じます。自戒を込めて、自分の価値観や考えだけでなく、他者の価値観や考えを尊重する姿勢を忘れない、そんな社会を作っていけることを願っています。










この作品の一番の魅力は、ストーリーではなく、映像美だと思います。キャストを含めた制作陣の努力を様々なシーンで感じました。特に、Fighter と Tutor の濡れ場はとても美しくリアルで、ただただ圧倒されました。









この作品で、FighterとTutorはキスシーンや濡れ場が多いです。お互いに、自分の気持ちを自覚するきっかけがキス。けれども、様々な出来事を通してお互いへの愛を育む様子は描かれています。ep.6 のキスシーンだけではなく、ep.9 以降の濡れ場においても、Tutor のスイッチが入った表情はとても魅惑的で、これがいわゆる襲い受けか、と思うと同時に圧倒されました。また、Fighter の声と表情がこれまた官能的で、本当に気持ちよさそう。Behind the Scenes として制作裏話が公開されていますが、その映像から撮影には苦労した様子が伺えます。

Behind the Scenes 4/4 : 日本からはジオブロックされて見えないのでリンクを消しました。(2020.12.08)


ちなみに Fighter と Tutor のカップリングには議論があって、Tutor が結構積極的なのもあり、Saint さんは Fighter X Tutor ではなく、Tutor X Fighter だとよくおっしゃっていたようです。個人的にはどっちもありだと思うし、愛し合っているならどちらでも良いです笑。


Saifah X Zon カップルについてはあまり触れませんでしたが、彼らはほぼコメディテイストだったので、濡れ場については最終話のみです。個人的には、Zon の表情がいいなと思いました。Saifah はちょっと呑まれ気味に見えました。彼らについては、濡れ場やキスシーン以外のコミカルな部分が、魅力的だったと思います。友達のような、でも友達以上の感情をもっている、そういうカップルもいいな、と感じました。

2020.12.08 追記:現在、U-NEXTさん(配信ページへ飛びます)で日本語字幕にて配信中です。U-NEXTさんでは他にも、WHY R U? の出演者が出演するドラマの(もちろん他のドラマもありますが)配信を決定されているようです。詳細は調べられてください。




大事なことですが、視聴する際は公式のものを見ましょう。とくに、WHY R U? については本編は YouTube には上がっていません(2020.12.08 1話目のみ字幕なしでアップロードされたことを確認)。公式発表されている媒体や公式チャンネルから以外のものは全て海賊版だと思った方が良いです。2020.12.08 時点ではU-NEXTさんでのみ日本語字幕で配信されています。




また、公式の番組アカウント, チャンネルを下記に記しておきます。ご興味のある方は是非 Follow しましょう!






I'm going to write about the Thai BL drama "WHY R U? The Series".


I will also try to write this article in English so that non-Japanese people, such as those in Thailand where this drama was born, can see it. If there are any errors in grammar or usage, or if there are any points that you noticed, I would appreciate it if you would let me know.


I think this TV drama is a great work because I can really feel a lot of enthusiasm of the program staff such as cast, directors, producers, etc. I'm so grateful for getting to know about such a wonderful work, and I wanted to share it with as many people as possible, so I picked up the pen. On the other hand, this work is not only a BL work, but also contains sexual expression (and also R18+), I have included a message at the beginning because I think it would be uncomfortable for people who are not comfortable reading it. I hope you can understand my intentions.)

How I got to know

In short, I recently found Tweet introduced Thai BL dramas in Japanese. I won't write details because I can't post their tweets, but there were four works that were introduced. Among them, I watched "WHY R U? The Series" and "2gether The Series" (which is now on the air) because of the looks of the actor playing the role. I will introduce the latter in the future. I'm also curious about "Tharn Type The Series," we can't watch from Japan now. I'd like to introduce it when it's officially available.

About "WHY R U? The Sereis"

Broadcast: 2020, ONE31 / LINE TV, total 13 episodes
Director:Cheewin Thanamin Wongskulphat
Watch the Official Teaser here:

Summary of "WHY R U? The Sereis"

The main character, Zon, is a male student at a university in Thailand. He has a younger sister, Zol, who is a popular BL novelist and attends the same university. One day, Zon get into an argument with Zol because he is a main character in her's BLnovel. During the argument, he gave tit for tat, and took an oath that the BL novel she writes will become a reality against his will. In her novels, Saifah and Zon are in love, (in reality, they are on cat-and-dog terms), and Tutor, a friend of Zon, and Fighter, an older student, are in love, (in reality, they are also on cat-and-dog terms). From the day Zon take an oath, in the real world, Zon have better chemistry with Saifah through music, Tutor and Fighter also grow to understand each other and eventually fall in love with each other.

Introduction of Main Characters and Main Cast

Here is the official cast introduction:


I'll write the background of the main characters without many spoilers below. The cast is mostly newcomers, and I don't have much information, so here are my impressions.

  • Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol as Zon
    Zon is a male university student who loves science fiction. While his sister has good grades and is a popular novelist, his novel writing doesn't get the same number of views and his grades are so bad. So, his parents tell him to stop writing novels and focus on his studies. He is in great fear that his sister's BL novel becoming a reality. At first, he and Saifah are on cat-and-dog terms. But something triggered, he is moved by Saifah's kindness.

    Tommy, who plays Zon, has defined facial features, handsome. In this TV drama, there are mainly comical expressions, but I felt that he can also perform masculine, cute, and cool.
  • Jimmy Karn Kritsanaphan as Saifah
    Zon develop a feeling of hostility for some reason, but Saifah often tease Zon. Saifah is tall, good-looking and is very popular with the girls. He can also play the guitar. One day, he and Zon start to grow closer, and before he know, he has fallen in love with Zon.

    Jimmy, who plyas Saifah, is tall and slender, has a baby face. I think he has a mysterious charm.
  • Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana as Tutor
    Tutor is a friend of Zon and an beautiful, ill-fated boy. Since he entered the university, he don't like Fighter who is his senior. His family circumstances were such that he became a working student out of necessity, and he has multiple part-time jobs. He is mature and caring person, so his friends often come to him for advice. He is always smiling and trying to be strong, but he has a fragility about him. He is gradually attracted to Fighter not only as a person, but sexually.

    Saint, who plays Tutor, is tall, cute, attractive and handsome. I hear that he has the most career as a newcomer among the cast. He is also a singer. I feel he can show a variety of expressions: friendly, cheerful, naughty, cute, hot, cool, sad, dark and seductive. I felt that I would like to see other productions in the future, and I’m looking forward to his future success.
  • Zee Pruk Panich as Fighter
    Fighter is Tutor's senior. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and he always throw money at his problem. Since Tutor entered the university, he is attracted to Tutor unconsciously, but he can't be honest with his feelings. So, he often flirt with Tutor, and Tutor hates him. But, after being honest with his feelings for Tutor, he shows his love directly.

    Zee, who plays Fighter, is tall and handsome and has the eyebrows are thick and charming. Saint says that Zee look like a koala because his nose and eyebrows. He is treated like as goofy character in DoMunDi, which he belongs to, but I think it must be possible because of his good personality. And I felt his voise is low and calm, so I would like to hear him sing a song.

My impressions and thoughts

First of all, I would like to mention "LGBTQ," which is inextricably linked to BL works.


I've always known the word LGBT, but I first learned of the term "LGBTQ" from the subtitles of this film.


The term LGBT is used to describe sexuality, and in simple terms, L stands for Lesbian (lesbian/female homosexual), G for Gay (gay/male homosexual), B for Bisexual (bisexual, someone who can love both men and women), and T for Transgender (transgender, someone with a different physical and mental gender). The four categories of LGBT are based on two genders, male and female, but recently there has been widespread recognition that there are people who do not fit into the LGBT category, such as those who are asexual or have no sexual desire or romantic feelings for anyone, and the term "Q" or "Queer" is now used as a generic term for sexual minorities.


This TV drama also portrays prejudice against LGBTQ people, and I felt like it contained a message of courage for many people, not just LGBTQ people. I was reminded that no matter what, it is important to honestly look at your feelings and accept them, while at the same time respecting others. So I don't want to put this work in the category of a BL work, but I wrote that message at the beginning of this article. Because I know there are people who may uncomfortable it. I want people to look at things as unbiased as possible, but I don't think it's something that should be forced on them, and I think it's also a matter of personal values. Regardless of LGBTQ issues, I feel that the tendency for society as a whole has not changed in a long time to impose "these values and ideas are right and just". With the intention of including some self-decipline, I hope that we will make a society that remembers to respect not only our own values and ideas, but also the values and ideas of others.


From here, I will write down my personal impressions of the work as a whole.
Here's how I rated it with a brief star:

Setting: ★★☆☆☆
Story: ★★★☆☆
Visual beauty: ★★★★★


As I was writing the synopsis and character introductions, I thought again that the setting itself is not very appealing. The reason for this is that I can't really empathize with it because the story is fantasize. However, I do feel that some of the story, especially serious parts, were worth watching as the tension was maintained until the end.


I think the best part of this work is not the story, but the visual beauty. I could feel the efforts of the production team, including the cast, in various scenes. In particular, love scene at the beach (ep.9~) were so beautiful and realistic that I was just overwhelmed.


I suspect it was the keypoint how realistic it was shot and that could determine whether the work would be cheesy or not because of unrealistic story and setting. I think it is because the characters look being themselves and alive I was moved by the work.

Also, there are many couples in addition to the two main couples. It complicates the work a little. The stories of the sub's couples were also told a little bit, and one of the staff members said that it took some effort to remind them what each story was about in special episode.

To be honest, I couldn't care less about the couple of subs. I'm really sorry to the staff, including the cast, took the time to make it up, but it was borther when main couple is put in a pretty serious situation and I can't stop thinking about them. It maybe shows how much I was drawn into the main couple's storyline. If I watch twice, it might be just right.


Going back to the previous topic, I'll write a little more about the the love scene that was so beautiful.


In this work, Fighter and Tutor have a lot of kissing scenes and love scene. A kiss is a chance for both of them to become aware of their feelings for each other. However, it is also depicted that they grow love for each other through various events.


Not only in the kissing scene here, but also in the love scenes after ep9, Tutor's switched on expression was so seductive that I was overwhelmed at the same time as I wonderd this was the so-called "power bottom" Also, Fighter's voice and facial expressions are very sensual and look really good. The behind-the-scenes story of the production has been released, and we can see how hard it was to shoot the film.
Behind the Scenes 4/4 : https://tv.line.me/embed/13196888


By the way, there are some ship war about the couple, Fighter and Tutor. I suppose the reason is Tutor is quite positive in love scenes. Saint often said that it's not Fighter is top but Tutor is top. Personally, I think if they're in love with each other, it can go either way.


I didn't mention much about the couple, Saifah and Zon,  I'll write then. They almost drawn in a comedic style, so the love scenes were only in the final episode. Personally, I liked Zon's facilal expression, and Saifah seemed a bit overwhelmed.  I think the comedic parts about them, other than the love scenes and kissing scenes, were nice. They are like friends, but with feelings that are more than just friends. I felt that such a couple would be nice.

2020.11.03 Postscript: In Japan, from mid-November 2020, U-NEXT will be available for unlimited viewing of members with Japanese subtitles. Please see here for the detail (my blog).

In addition, along with this, the following main story link destination will be geoblocked from 2020.11.05.

Official link (with English subtitles):



When you watch, please watch officially available. This is a very important thing. Especially about "WHY R U? The Series" the full version is not available on YouTube. (2020.12.08 I confirmed that only the first episode was uploaded without subtitles.) It's best to think of everything as pirated except officially announced media or official channels. As of December 08, 2020, it is distributed with Japanese subtitles only by U-NEXT.


But thankfully, for people outside of Thailand, you can watch the full-length version with English subtitles (or Korean subtitles?) on the official (LINE TV). (You can find links to each episode's LINE TV in the links above.) I'd like to put Japanese subtitles, but I don't know where to contact them and I'm not an expert, so I did nothing. (Added on 2020.11.03: U-NEXT will start distributing Japanese subtitles, so a deletion line has been drawn.)


By the way, it's not a suspicious link, it's really an official link (laughs), so don't worry.


The official program accounts and channels are listed below. If you are interested, please follow them!

You can watch the so-called making of the film on Youtube. Many of them don't have subtitles, so it's for people who don't understand the language but want to watch them. I hope you find it helpful.

That's all. Thank you for taking the time to read through to the end!