今日は"The Leadership Channel"(www.leadership.FM )から、リーダーの強力な武器として「効果的な3つの質問をすること」をとりあげてみます。 (↑ 開くと音声が出ますのでご注意ください。)

What is the leadership ? What are the characteristics of a good leader? Well., it must be difficult to identify them.However, there might be powerful management tools for leaders or managers
Our leadership success depends on our social skills. And one of the most powerful management tools we ever use is the question. We should be a good listener and should ask good questions. The three powerful questions are as follows.
(1) What’s up?
(2) So what?
(3) What’s now?

The first question-what’s up?- is the situation question. We should explore the situation or data, and try to gather relevant information. The second question-so what?-is the options question. We have to explore as many options as possible through nonjudgmental ways. We should clarify the implications of the situation for us, for the competitors, or for other stakeholders. The final question-what’s now?- is the stage of decision making as a result of .information we have. In reality, we sometimes make a decision based on incomplete information due to lack of time or uncertainty. So, courageous attitude or decisiveness will be required to become a great leader. And again, three questions are essential. (1)What’s up? (2)So what? and (3)What’s now?

All in all, we should ask more questions as a leader. It is critical for us to have the right questions not to have the right answer. Questions will be a fundamental part of communication strategy. We should create open-minded culture in our organization where the members can freely discuss a variety of issues with each other.

Source: The top three leadership tools by Steven Sonsino