(1) inimical (to)
Chaos and disorder have been seen as inimical to the very notion of organization, destructive forces to be constrained.

(by LOCE)
inimical: making it difficult for something to exist or happen
Price controls are inimical to economic growth.

(2)(3) clandestine, subvert
The exploitation of power would include clandestine moves to subvert competition, such as establishing a cartel.
→ clandestineの意味はよく分かりませんでした。subvertは競争を( subvert)する例としてカルテルが挙げられていますので、"回避する”と解しました。正確には「破壊する」という意味になるでしょうか。clandestineは「内密の or 不法の」という意味になります

(by LDCE)

clandestine: done or kept secret
subvert: to try to destroy the power and influence of a government or the established system