
The firm's operational processes were highly compartmentalized, and its departments did not share much essential customer information.


なお、同じような意味で"partition" というのもありますが、こちらは名詞も動詞も同じ形です。(partitionizeとは言いません。)

(2) not only A but (also) B

The value of a firm's products is based not only on its physical resources but also on intangible assets.

→ おなじみの表現ですが、英文を書くとき"A"と"B"の対応に注意したいと思います。


(3) inventory

We need to inventory our firm's existing information systems and those under construction.


※ 番外編


  I will follow you.という 松田聖子の歌詞(古い!)位なら問題ありませんが、以下のような意味になるととたんに怪しくなります。

 (by LDCE)

(1) The agreement followed months of negotiation.

(2) China's first nuclear test in October 1964 was closely followed by a second in May 1965.




