今日読んだ本の中に、下記の"Six Thinking Hat"approachというものが紹介されていました。会議などの意思決定の場で様々な角度から代替案を検討し評価するため、6つの異なる役割(視点)をそれぞれ各人に割り当て、議論をするというものです。会議でmeaningful discussionを行う一つのtoolとして有効かもしれません。

'Six Thinking Hats' approach means six different thinking styles, and this approach helps us look at important decisions from different perspectives. It will bring better decisions made by group and revitalize your view points or ways of thinking. This approach was created by "Edward de Bono" in his book '6 Thinking Hats'.

Six Thinking Hats are:
 (1) White Hat - neutral and objective, focuses on facts and historical data
 (2) Red Hat- focuses on members’ feelings, emotions, and responses.
 (3) Black Hat- focuses on giving critical assessment (but not negative)
 (4) Yellow Hat-focuses on being positive and constructive, sees the benefits of decision
 (5) Green Hat-focuses on creativity,
 (6) Blue Hat-focus on process control, and neutral, behaving as a chairperson

"Six Thinking Hats" approach can bring necessary skepticism into group decision making process. It can give us the opportunity for creativity within decision making, which will lead to quality of decision making. Last but not least, failures of group decision making, such as “groupthink” can be avoided by using this approach.