その中でCirque du Soleil(シルク・ド・ソレイユ)が取り上げられていましたが、この団体は、先日ご紹介した ブルーオーシャン戦略 の中で、典型的な成功例とをして紹介されていました。 まだこのショーを実際に見たことはありませんが、いつか機会があったら是非見てみたいと思います。

Did you watch "スマステ5" last night? It featured some stories of Japanese women who have achieved success abroad. One of the women is a star of "Cirque du Soleil", which reminded me of "Blue Ocean Strategy". 

According to the thesis that I red before, Cirque has created "blue ocean". As you know, circus industry is deemed to a declining industry. This industry has been facing with the declining market and the fierce competition.
There are a numerous economic burden because circuses have to maintain and train animals. In addition, medical and transportation fee are extremely high. Another deficits of this industry is a rising public concern about the treatment of animals or the ethical issues. In other words, circus industry has been suffering from adverse factors, such as high cost structure and social problems.

Cirque thought that traditional circus boiled down to three factors: the clowns, the tent and the acrobat act. So Cirque put away the nonessetial features. Cirque has shifted its show from traditional style to more sophisticated one. For example, Cirque has brought some ideas from Broadway, and produced musical theater shows.

Cirque's target market was adult audience rather than children. Cirque has built the clear brand image within the mind of the target market.

Finally, Cirque has created new market, which is called as "blue ocean".