Problems with wet wipes【Level 2】












なんでもこの詰まりを直すのに英国の水道会社と納税者が 88 million pounds(約167億円)を費やしているのである。下着を流すなどもってのほかであるし、日本の品位を疑われてしまっても仕方がない。私たちの安易な意識と行動が税金の値上がりに繋がっていくことも予想できるだろう。








Wet wipes have become popular in many homes and many end up down the loo (最終的にトイレへ行きつく). This could be a problem because wet wipes combine with fats and oils in the sewers(下水道). Together, they form blockages(詰まり) which must be removed.


In Britain, 80% of blockages come from wet wipes and other un-flushable things. People spend eighty-eight million pounds a year to remove these blockages.


Some wet wipes are labelled as flushable, but they really are not. English water companies and charities want all wet wipes to read 〝do not flush〟. If you use wet wipes, it is best to put them in the bin.   



My memory picture  歩く