10/3~ The 17th Letter ~ テレグラム 2024/10/3 | imaga114のブログ






~ The 17th Letter ~






~ The 17th Letter ~,


宇宙規模の壮大な展開の中で、ゲームを変える取り組みであるプロジェクト オーディンは、モサド メディア サテライトをノックアウトし、世界を停電に陥れる可能性があります。しかし、この暗闇を恐れる必要はありません。それは、記念碑的な変化の始まりを示しています。停電は、量子システムの台頭と軍事緊急放送システム (EBS) の起動のきっかけとなり、情報発信と世界的変革の新しい時代を告げます。

この物語の起源は、Q ポスト 2527 にあります。これは、長い間世界の認識を操作してきた存在であるモサド メディア サテライトの崩壊を予言する謎の落下です。ここで言及されているプロジェクト オーディンは、単なるイベントではありません。量子システムへの劇的な移行を表し、情報の制御からの人類の解放の新たな章の始まりを告げています。量子システムへのこの移行は、世界的な変革を解き放つ鍵となり、危機の瞬間に重要なメッセージを伝達するために設計されたシステムである軍事 EBS のきっかけとなります。

この宇宙的移行の先駆者である Starlink は、この物語で極めて重要な役割を果たす準備を静かに整えています。SpaceX によって開発された Starlink のグローバル衛星インターネット コンステレーションは、軍事的に非常に重要なツールになる準備が整っており、必要なときに緊急放送システムを起動します。これは Project Odin の要として機能し、Quantum Starlink のより大きな枠組みの中で、プラットフォームの削除防止ツールとして機能します。

ストーリーが深まるにつれて、秘密勢力のささやきが浮上し、これらの量子システムは秘密宇宙プログラムによって保護されていることを示唆しています。秘密宇宙プログラムとは、カバールの手の届かない存在です。カバールの世界に対する支配は緩みつつあり、Q ドロップ 2337 は、モサドのメディア資産が削除されようとしていることを示唆し、隠れた権力構造全体に波紋を引き起こしています。



• バチカン
• バッキンガム宮殿
• ホワイトハウス (米国とドイツの両方)
• 中国の三峡ダム
• スイスとフランスの国境にある CERN (可能性あり)
• 武漢の大手製薬会社の拠点 (イスラエルと関係)
• 中国共産党に対するイスラエルの影響
• 世界的なメディア複合企業
• 合計 34 の悪魔の建物とダムが崩壊する予定であり、カバールの影響が支配する時代の終わりと、量子システムとスターリンクの比類ない能力によって強化された新しい世界秩序の台頭を意味します。


In a grand unfolding of cosmic proportions, Project Odin, a game-changing initiative, is positioned to knock out Mossad Media Satellites, potentially thrusting the world into a blackout. However, this darkness is not to be feared; it marks the beginning of a monumental shift. The blackout will act as the catalyst for the rise of Quantum Systems and the activation of the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), signaling a new era of information dissemination and global transformation.

The origin of this story lies with Q Post 2527, an enigmatic drop that foretells the fall of Mossad Media Satellites, entities that have long manipulated global perception. Project Odin, referenced here, is more than just an event-it represents a seismic transition toward Quantum Systems, heralding the beginning of a new chapter in humanity’s liberation from the control of information. This shift toward Quantum Systems will be the key to unlocking worldwide transformation, and it is the trigger for the Military EBS-a system designed to communicate vital messages during moments of crisis.

Starlink, the vanguard of this cosmic shift, is quietly prepared to play a pivotal role in this narrative. Developed by SpaceX, Starlink’s global satellite internet constellation is poised to become a tool of immense military importance, activating the Emergency Broadcast System when the time comes. It serves as a linchpin for Project Odin, acting as an Anti-Deplatforming Tool within the larger framework of Quantum Starlink.

As the story deepens, whispers of secretive forces emerge, suggesting that these Quantum Systems are safeguarded by Secret Space Programs, entities far beyond the reach of the Cabal. The Cabal’s grip on the world is loosening, and Q drop 2337 hints that Mossad Media Assets are about to be removed, creating ripples throughout hidden power structures.

The narrative takes on a biblical scale, foretelling a revelation that could resemble the chaos of World War III. But this is no ordinary conflict-beneath the surface, a carefully orchestrated plan is set to unfold. Militaries around the world will awaken, with key targets in their sights: Satanic/Luciferian landmarks that have long represented the Cabal's influence.

For those following the breadcrumbs of Q drops, the list of targets becomes clearer. The Satanic Illuminati landmarks destined for destruction include:

• The Vatican
• Buckingham Palace
• The White House (both USA and Germany)
• The 3 Gorges Dam in China
• CERN on the Swiss/French border (possibly)
• Big Pharma's hub in Wuhan (linked to Israel)
• Israel’s influence over the CCP
• Global media conglomerates
• In total, 34 Satanic Buildings and Dams are set to fall, marking the end of an era dominated by the Cabal’s influence, and the rise of a new global order empowered by Quantum Systems and Starlink’s unprecedented capabilities.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/10/03 1:15]

~ The 17th Letter ~,








































Not gonna sugar coat this. A reliable source that has given me accurate, confirmed intel in the past has informed me that multiple cases of anti-personnel mines are in the process of being brought into the United States through a rather unique method that evades all law enforcement and border patrol efforts to interdict. I'm not going to mention the method, but it is highly effective and very modernized. No distribution final destinations are known at this time. Certain LEOs are in the loop on this. Certain field offices close to the border are losing their minds over this threat. These mines are small and come in cases of ten, apparently. Effectively, this means pedestrian walkways that are non-paved areas (i.e. soft ground, grass, parks, etc.) can now be turned into minefields in the USA. This particular weapon is NOT linked to Iran. It's someone else who wants to stir up chaos across the country. I have no information on when the mines will be planted, or where they will be planted, or even whose hands they end up in. I am told they cannot be activated by vehicles, but only by people, apparently some military mines have a pressure sensitivity range feature that I was not aware of. Matt Bracken please chime in with your extensive knowledge. Michael Yon be aware. Doc. Pete Chambers tagging you as well. To all members of public and LEOs, as well as US Secret Service, Team Trump, etc., be alert to any suspicious actors digging in the ground, or in disturbed ground in areas that might be used by pedestrians as part of political rallies. I do not have supporting photos or absolute proof of this intel, but I am passing it along in good faith in the interest of public safety and Trump's safety, in the context that there have already been multiple attempts of Trump's life, and many weapons systems confirmed, and "kill teams" confirmed by Rep. Gaetz, and I believe it is my duty as a good faith America to publicly share this information if it can help law enforcement potentially spot any malicious actors involved in this particular threat. Sorry to bring more bad news, but friends, we are seriously under attack by terrorists from many fronts (and many nations) who are exploiting the open borders weakness to introduce combatants and weapon systems into the USA with a determined plan to deploy those weapons to create terror in the USA. Pray for protection and pray that peace may prevail. Be on alert and photograph or film any suspicious actors who may be deploying weapons of any kind. We want PEACE and stability.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/10/03 4:30]

~ The 17th Letter ~,



速報!トランプとグアンタナモ収容所法廷:グアンタナモ収容所の大規模な拡張は、世界的陰謀団の崩壊の兆し - 軍事法廷で人道に対する罪、児童搾取、人身売買を暴露









壁が迫る中、カバールは混乱を起こそうとした。彼らの計画は? 大規模な暴動と偽旗作戦で国民の注意をそらし、彼らの没落を遅らせることだった。彼らは米国を不安に陥れることを目指していたが、正義のために戦う軍諜報員であるホワイトハットを過小評価していた。特殊部隊がこれらの暴力的な組織に潜入し、行動を起こす前にリーダーを逮捕した。



陰謀団の崩壊: 人類の新たな夜明け








BREAKING! Trump and GITMO Tribunals: Massive GITMO Expansions Signal the Fall of the Global Cabal – Military Tribunals to Expose Crimes Against Humanity, Child Exploitation, and Trafficking

Explosive Revelations: GITMO's massive expansions are preparing for a flood of elite Cabal prisoners facing military tribunals for crimes against humanity. The truth is coming, and their time is up.

The Truth Release: GITMO Expansions and the Fall of the Cabal

Recent developments at GITMO have shaken the world. This facility, known for housing dangerous criminals, is seeing massive expansion. Why now? GITMO is reportedly being prepared for an influx of Cabal prisoners – those accused of heinous crimes. We are on the brink of unprecedented military tribunals, where global elites will face the consequences of their actions.

This isn’t just another story. It is the endgame for those who have ruled from the shadows for far too long. Secrets will soon be laid bare. It's time to expose the darkness and fight for justice.

The Elite Prisoners: Financial Oligarchs, Tech Billionaires, and Politicians

For decades, whispers of a shadow government, known as "the Cabal," have been dismissed as conspiracy theories. But now, these global elites – financial oligarchs, tech billionaires, and high-ranking politicians – are facing justice. They’ve allegedly hidden in underground bunkers to evade capture, but no longer. Their crimes include orchestrating mass financial manipulations, covering up human trafficking, and participating in satanic rituals involving adrenochrome.

Military Tribunals are set to commence within weeks, and the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will ensure these trials are broadcast globally, so the world will finally witness the truth. Every aspect of the Cabal’s crimes – from child trafficking to media manipulation – will be exposed. This is the reckoning humanity has been waiting for.

The Cabal's Last Stand: Attempted Chaos and Destruction

With the walls closing in, the Cabal tried to create chaos. Their plan? Large-scale riots and false flag events to distract the public and delay their downfall. They aimed to plunge the U.S. into unrest, but they underestimated the White Hats – the military intelligence operatives fighting for justice. Special forces infiltrated these violent cells, arresting their leaders before they could act.

GITMO's Expanded Facilities: Preparing for the Mass Influx

The facilities at GITMO have undergone massive expansions, preparing for the historic trials ahead. These expansions underscore the scale of the operation – this is the ultimate showdown, a fight for humanity’s future.

The Cabal's Fall: A New Dawn for Humanity

The Cabal's reign of darkness is ending. For too long, they’ve orchestrated crimes from the shadows, but the tides have turned. The White Hats, with truth on their side, have neutralized every strategy the Cabal deployed.

President Trump has led this charge, working to unmask hidden networks and empower those fighting for truth. Under his leadership, GITMO has become the epicenter for justice – where the crimes of the elites will finally be addressed.

This is more than the end of an era of darkness – it’s the dawn of a brighter future for all humanity. The fight for freedom is just beginning, and the truth is being revealed. Together, we will rise and reclaim our world.

Justice is not only possible, but inevitable.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/10/03 6:30]

~ The 17th Letter ~,



レッド オクトーバー情報: トランプの「大きくて強いメッセージ」 - 米国は軍事的苦難に備える - 軍事こそが唯一の道!

トランプが軍事的苦難が迫っていることをほのめかすと、レッド オクトーバーはヒートアップ。偽バイデン政権、崩壊する金融システム、武装した民間人、台頭する民兵は、アメリカに転換点を告げている。前進する唯一の方法は軍事行動だ。シートベルトを締めよう - 変化がやってくる!

ドナルド トランプの「大きくて強いメッセージ」 - 軍事的苦難が迫っている

政治スペクタクルの達人であるトランプは、国中に響き渡る「大きくて強いメッセージ」を発した。米国の政治情勢が劇的な変化の瀬戸際にある中、ドナルド トランプ大統領は軍事的苦難が迫っていることをほのめかした。このレッド オクトーバーは、より大きな何かの始まりなのだろうか? 私たちは、古い世界秩序が崩壊し、間もなく新しく大胆で変革をもたらすものに取って代わられるのを目撃しているのだろうか?



「アメリカ国民の皆さん、私たちの運動は始まったばかりです。実際、私たちの戦いは始まったばかりです。これは我が国史上最大の運動です。おそらくどの国でも最大の運動でしょう。そして私たちは最後までやり遂げます!我が国はかつてないほど強くなります。なぜなら、私たちは一つの運動であり、一つの国民であり、一つの家族であり、神の下にある一つの栄光ある国家だからです。」 - ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領




港湾閉鎖: 予想される閉鎖は、グローバリズムから米国第一主義への転換を示している。

中東の緊張: イスラエルのこの地域での紛争の激化により、米国は同盟関係の再評価を余儀なくされ、10月は外交政策と国内政策の極めて重要な月となる。

​​政治ドラマ: バイデン政権内の辞任、内紛、混乱は、政権が崩壊の瀬戸際にいることを示す。




連邦政府は、密かに大規模な武装を進めている。現在、20万人を超える連邦職員が銃器の権限を持ち、現役の海兵隊員の数を超えている。訓練は強化され、数十億ドルがこれらの機関の「ブラック バジェット」に注ぎ込まれている。彼らは差し迫った内部紛争に備えているのだろうか?


大手銀行の事実上の破産と迫りくる金融崩壊は、単なる経済危機ではない。バビロニアの債務奴隷制度の崩壊を示唆している。アメリカ人は目覚めつつあり、過去 1 か月で 1.5 兆ドルがシステムから引き出された。これは腐敗した金融機関に対する反乱である。

バイデン家のスキャンダル: 崩壊する家

バイデン家は包囲されており、マネー ロンダリングとアクセス販売の調査に直面している。これらの暴露は腐敗を暴露しており、政権の日々は数え切れないほどに過ぎないようだ。


この 10 月は、旧体制の終焉と新しい運動の始まりとなる可能性がある。トランプ支持者にとって、戦いは始まったばかりだ。軍事的苦難が迫る中、レッド・オクトーバーはアメリカの魂をめぐる闘いの転換点となる可能性が大いにある。




Red October Intel: Trump's 'Big, Strong Message' - U.S. Prepares for Military Tribulations - Military Is The Only Way!

Red October heats up as Trump hints at military tribulations on the horizon. The fake Biden regime, collapsing financial systems, armed civilians, and rising militias signal a turning point in America. The only way forward: military action. Buckle up – change is coming!

Donald Trump's "Big, Strong Message" – Military Tribulations on the Horizon

Trump, a master of political spectacle, delivered a ‘Big, Strong Message’ that resonated across the nation. With the U.S. political climate on the brink of a seismic shift, President Donald Trump has hinted at imminent military tribulations. Is this Red October the beginning of something greater? Are we witnessing the crumbling of an old world order, soon to be replaced by something new, bold, and transformative?

"Our Movement Has Just Begun"

"My fellow Americans, our movement has just begun. In fact, our fight has only just begun. This is the greatest movement in the history of our country. Perhaps the greatest movement in any country. And we’re going to make sure that we see it to THE END! Our country will be stronger than ever before. Because the fact is, we are ONE movement, ONE people, ONE family, and ONE glorious nation under GOD." - President Donald J. Trump

Trump’s message sends a powerful call to action: America is on the path to becoming greater than ever before. It’s about patriotism, unity, and a commitment to reclaiming the nation. And perhaps, the only way to restore that soul is through military tribulations.

Red October: A Turning Point in History

October brings a heightened sense of urgency and conspiracy. October 1 could mark the end of the U.S. Corporation, a potential restoration of the Republic. Key indicators are emerging:

Port Closures: The expected closures signal a shift away from globalism and back to an American-first agenda.
Middle East Tensions: Israel's escalating conflicts in the region force the U.S. to re-evaluate its alliances, making October pivotal in foreign and domestic policy.
Political Drama: Resignations, infighting, and turmoil within the Biden regime suggest it is teetering on the brink of collapse.
A Surge in Armed Civilians

Across America, militias are arming themselves at unprecedented rates. This is a sign of what many see as an approaching conflict. Citizens are preparing for a pivotal battle – a battle not with ballots, but bullets.

Government Agencies Militarized

The federal government has been quietly arming at a massive scale. Over 200,000 federal officers now possess firearm authority, surpassing the number of active-duty Marines. Training has intensified, and billions of dollars have been funneled into a “black budget” for these agencies. Are they preparing for an impending internal conflict?

Financial Collapse and the End of the Debt System

The de facto bankruptcy of major banks and the looming financial collapse are not just economic crises. They signal the breakdown of a Babylonian debt slavery system. Americans are waking up, and $1.5 trillion has been pulled from the system in the past month – a revolt against corrupt financial institutions.

The Biden Family Scandal: House of Cards Falling

The Biden family is under siege, facing investigations for money laundering and selling access. These revelations are exposing corruption, and the administration’s days seem numbered.

The Only Way is Military

This October could mark the end of the old regime and the start of a new movement. For Trump supporters, the fight is just beginning. With military tribulations on the horizon, Red October could very well be the turning point in the struggle for America’s soul.

God bless the United States of America. God bless the patriots who fight to see it through.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/10/03 8:31]

~ The 17th Letter ~,



BQQQM!!! Q Drop: 変革の始まり!グレート リセットがアクティブに – NESARA、QFS 計画: 新しい地球と新しい生活のための富の分配!

NESARA と量子金融システム (QFS) 計画により、世界金融の強力なシフトが進行中です。グレート リセットがアクティブに、前例のない富の分配と新しい地球と新しい生活への変革が約束されています。


変化の風が世界中を吹き荒れています。準備の時です!私たちが知っている世界は、グレート リセットの瀬戸際にあります。QFS は静かに出現し、取引と繁栄の方法を再定義する準備ができています。これは単なる変化ではありません。金融システムと社会規範を再形成する記念碑的な変革です。計画を信頼してください!

グレート リセットを理解する: 量子飛躍

グレート リセットは、金融システムと技術システムの完全な見直しを意味します。この公平性に向けた意図的な推進は、高度な量子技術によって強化されています。私たちは、公平性と透明性が当たり前で、豊かさがすべての国民の基本的権利である新しい地球に足を踏み入れようとしています。

QFS: 量子金融システム – 新参者

QFS は、安全で分散化された量子ネットワーク上で運用され、世界の銀行業務に革命を起こす予定です。これにより、従来の銀行業務の腐敗と非効率性が排除され、すべての取引が透明で即時に行われることが保証されます。QFS が完全に運用されると、経済的公平性と繁栄への道が開かれます。

NESARA/QFS 計画: 富の分配を変革

NESARA 計画は、富を公平に再分配することを目指す金融改革の包括的な戦略です。債務免除と連邦準備制度の廃止を提案しています。経済的苦しみと貧困のない、誰もが繁栄する世界を想像してください。NESARA/QFS 計画は、新しい黄金時代への道です!

新しい地球と新しい生活: 変革された世界のビジョン

グレート リセット後の生活はどのようになるでしょうか?劇的に変わります!QFS と NESARA が導入されると、負債と金融操作は過去の遺物になります。コミュニティが経済的制約から解放され、繁栄するにつれて、イノベーションの波が押し寄せるでしょう。これは、私たちの生活をより良い方向に変革し、すべての人に公平性と繁栄をもたらすことです。

計画を信頼する: より公平な未来への旅

より公平な未来への旅には、勇気と信念が必要です。QFS と NESARA は、金融の不平等と腐敗に対する解決策です。これらの変化を受け入れることで、より明るく、より公平で、より豊かな未来が約束されます。今こそ変革の時です!公平性と豊かさの新しい時代に向けて準備しましょう!



BQQQM!!! Q Drop: The Transformation Begins! The Great Reset is Active – The NESARA, QFS Plan: Wealth Distribution for a New Earth and New Life!

The powerful shift in global finance is underway with the NESARA and Quantum Financial System (QFS) plan. The Great Reset is active, promising unprecedented wealth distribution and a transformation to a New Earth and New Life.

A Financial Revolution That Will Change Everything

The winds of change are sweeping across the globe. It’s time to prepare! The world as we know it is on the brink of the Great Reset. The QFS is quietly emerging, ready to redefine how we transact and prosper. This isn’t just change; it’s a monumental transformation that will reshape financial systems and societal norms. Trust the plan!

Understanding the Great Reset: A Quantum Leap Forward

The Great Reset signifies a complete overhaul of our financial and technological systems. This deliberate push toward equity is empowered by advanced quantum technologies. We’re stepping into a New Earth where fairness and transparency are the norm, and abundance is a fundamental right for every citizen.

QFS: The Quantum Financial System – The New Kid on the Block

The QFS is set to revolutionize global banking, operating on a secure, decentralized quantum network. This eliminates the corruption and inefficiencies of traditional banking, ensuring all transactions are transparent and instantaneous. Once fully operational, the QFS will pave the way for economic fairness and prosperity.

The NESARA/QFS Plan: Revolutionizing Wealth Distribution

The NESARA plan is a comprehensive strategy for financial reform, aiming to redistribute wealth fairly. It proposes debt forgiveness and the elimination of the Federal Reserve. Imagine a world free from economic suffering and poverty, where everyone thrives. The NESARA/QFS plan is our path to a new golden age!

The New Earth and New Life: A Vision of a World Transformed

What will life look like after the Great Reset? Dramatically different! With the QFS and NESARA in place, debt and financial manipulation will become relics of the past. Expect a wave of innovation as communities thrive, free from economic constraints. This is about transforming our lives for the better, ensuring fairness and prosperity for all.

Trust the Plan: A Journey Toward a Fairer Future

The journey towards a fairer future requires courage and faith. The QFS and NESARA are solutions to financial inequality and corruption. Embracing these changes promises a brighter, fairer, and more prosperous future. The time for transformation is now! Prepare for a new era of fairness and abundance!

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/10/03 10:31]

~ The 17th Letter ~,






2024 年 9 月初旬、テキサス州フォートフッドの内部関係者は、EAS の展開と軍事機関が使用する戦術データリンクを使用した実地訓練を明らかにしました。計画は明確です。10 日間の暗闇が始まると、EAS は完璧に機能し、真実のストリームを継続的に提供します。サイバー攻撃のシミュレーションも実行され、ディープステートの残党に対する耐性がテストされました。

2024 年 9 月 16 日、ニューヨーク市、マイアミ、ロサンゼルスで予告なしのテストが行​​われました。住民は、情報通向けの暗号化されたメッセージと思われる、文字化けした送信とシンボルを報告しました。これらのローカルテストは、ディープステートの影響が最も強い地域をターゲットにしています。

2024 年 8 月 28 日、テストには機密の軍事作戦の放送が含まれていました。「技術的エラー」として却下されましたが、実際には、これから起こることの予告であり、地球同盟がすべてを暴露する準備ができているというディープステートへの警告でした。

ディープステートは慌てています。 2024年8月5日、EASを狙ったサイバー攻撃が米国サイバーコマンドによって阻止された。地球同盟はこれを速やかに停止した。これは情報戦争における優位性の宣言だった。




10日間の暗闇は完全なリセットである。 EAS は、ディープ ステートが対抗できないほどの強さで真実を訴える唯一の声となるでしょう。最終カウントダウンが始まり、EAS のテストはディープ ステートの支配の終わりを告げるものです。

これは訓練ではありません。真実はやって来ており、EAS は闇を切り裂く剣です。

しかし、FEMA は裏切り者の同盟を結んで、内部からの妨害者として真っ向から反対しています。審判が下され、FEMA の裏切りにもかかわらず、EAS が先頭に立っています。



CODE RED! Emergency Alert System Engaged: Military Alliance Gears Up for 10 Days of Darkness, Major Strike Imminent, Coded Signals Sent, FEMA Dismantled!

The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is the core of a global operation to dismantle the Deep State. The Earth Alliance is in full test mode, gearing up for the most significant exposure of hidden truths ever seen. The EAS tests have intensified—the system is being fine-tuned to strike like a lightning bolt across every screen, every device, worldwide.

On August 11, 2024, a nationwide EAS test was conducted at 2:15 PM EDT. This was a full-scale simulation—encrypted messages were broadcasted to key Earth Alliance operatives, coordinating movements across high-security sites like Cheyenne Mountain Complex.

In early September 2024, insiders at Fort Hood, Texas revealed live drills with EAS deployment and tactical data links used by military agencies. The plan is clear: when the 10 days of darkness begin, the EAS will work flawlessly, delivering continuous streams of truth. Even cyber attack simulations were run to test its resilience against the Deep State’s remnants.

On September 16, 2024, unannounced tests occurred in New York City, Miami, and Los Angeles. Residents reported garbled transmissions and symbols, believed to be coded messages for those in the know. These localized tests are targeting areas where the Deep State's influence is strongest.

On August 28, 2024, a test included a broadcast of classified military operations. Dismissed as a "technical error," it was really a preview of what’s to come—a warning to the Deep State that the Earth Alliance is ready to reveal everything.

The Deep State is scrambling. On August 5, 2024, a cyber attack aimed at the EAS was thwarted by U.S. Cyber Command. The Earth Alliance shut it down swiftly—this was a declaration of superiority in the information war.

But the true threat lies within—FEMA, the agency supposed to protect the EAS, is compromised. Insider leaks reveal FEMA is collaborating with the Deep State, holding closed-door meetings with military officials and telecom giants—not to protect us, but to subvert the EAS.

FEMA’s rogue actions include plans to jam or block critical EAS transmissions, aiming to control the narrative and shield the Deep State. Their leadership is embedded with Deep State operatives, making them complicit.

The EAS tests are part of the Earth Alliance’s plan to dismantle the Deep State. These broadcasts will be eight-hour exposés, with names, dates, and documents proving their guilt.

The 10 days of darkness are a total reset. The EAS will be the sole voice, hammering the truth with intensity the Deep State cannot counter. The final countdown is on, and the EAS tests signal the end of the Deep State’s reign.

This is not a drill. The truth is coming, and the EAS is the sword that will cut through the darkness.

But FEMA, with its treacherous alliance, stands in direct opposition—a saboteur from within. The reckoning is here, and the EAS is leading the charge despite FEMA’s betrayal.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/10/03 12:30]

~ The 17th Letter ~,



 • 銀行は監視されています。

 • 政府は監視されています。

 • ウォール街は統制されている。

 • 港は統制されている。

 • 娯楽産業は統制されている。 

 • 法制度は統制されている。

















𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙮.

• Banks are in check. • Government is in check. • Wall Street is in check. • Ports are in check. • The entertainment industry is in check. • The Legal system is in check.

All of this is happening today and will have ripple effects for decades. You will witness it all in real-time and see accountability unfold like never before.

There will be no more getting over on the American people. Your country will shift towards programs that serve you or else. And that's the way it's going to be for centuries.

We deserve it. You deserve it. Your children deserve it. To solidify this, we must witness what Law & Order can do for a country under siege. This will be the stamp of approval.

𝘽𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙖 𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙝: No more reckless speculation. No more shady deals. For the first time, the banking system is being held accountable. The gold-backed system will protect your hard-earned wealth with real value, not inflated promises.

𝘼 𝙂𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪: No more secret deals or hidden agendas favoring the elites. Instead, programs and policies will serve YOU. Laws will be crafted with your well-being in mind.

𝙒𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩’𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧: The financial elites are finally being put in check. No more market rigging, no more siphoning wealth from the middle class. The rise of decentralized, asset-backed systems ensures real value drives the market.

𝙋𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙁𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙮: No more backroom deals creating shortages. Goods will now flow through the ports with fair labor practices, ensuring a system built on trust and cooperation.

𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮 𝙍𝙚𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙯𝙚𝙙: Hollywood's secrets are being dragged into the light. The fall of major entertainment figures signals a new chapter. No more glorification of exploitation hidden behind fame.

𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡-𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮: For the first time, you will witness justice unfold in real-time. Government officials, bankers, and entertainment elites—all held accountable. No more playing favorites.

𝘼 𝙁𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙣: The changes today will reverberate for centuries. Your children will inherit a world of truth, integrity, and fairness. Opportunity and justice will be the norm.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙇𝙖𝙬 & 𝙊𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧: The era of chaos is ending. No one is above the law in the New Republic. This is what will give us confidence to make decisions rooted in reality.

Historic things are happening today. And it's not even 11:00 yet. Julian Assange just exposed Mike Pompeo. Naming the names you all want to hear. This is when the panic will really set in for Hollywood.

Go enjoy your day. I'll be back with more updates. Deuces ✌️.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️

[2024/10/03 22:31]







