9/12~ The 17th Letter ~ テレグラム 2024/9/12 | imaga114のブログ






~ The 17th Letter ~




~ The 17th Letter ~,



















The Global Military Alliance arrested over 900 bankers and sent them to GITMO for Tribunals due to their attempts to prevent the Global Currency Reset (GCR). After which the greatest transfer of wealth in history began. The Global Currency Reset puts all Sovereign nations’ currencies gold/asset-backed trading at a 1:1 with each other and the World would return to 1950s prices.

Now prepare for the final battle with the Cabal with a Worldwide Blackout and Martial Law. There has been a massive deployment of the National Guard in cities across the US, while the Global Military Alliance remained on Alert Worldwide.

According to JFK Jr. after midnight tonight Mon. 9 Sept. 2024 travel restrictions would go into effect. All airline flights will be cancelled, Internet shut off, Mass Media gone and the Stock Market would crash.

Although there has been absolutely no time frame given for the Emergency Broadcast release, when it happens The Event should last about three to ten days where we tune into TVs and radios for 24/7 Worldwide broadcasts of eight hour documentaries about what was going on.

Everything was going Quantum – Quantum Financial System based on gold/asset-backed currencies, Quantum Voting and Quantum Healing with Med Beds in all hospitals for free treatments by the end of the year.

All Governments Worldwide will be standing down for mass arrests. Within 60 days we will have secured elections of government officials (governments 10% the size of present) over our phones and computers hooked up to the new StarLink Satellite System.

The Internet will be wiped out and rebooted on the new StarLink Satellite System with no more Microsoft. (The current Internet was under Operation Mockingbird with all media owned and controlled by the Mossad).

No more Mossad, Five Eyes, CIA, Khazarian Mafia, nor any other mafia. The only intelligence will be Military Intelligence.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/09/12 1:38]

~ The 17th Letter ~,



FISA:軍事クーデターの解明 – トランプの反逆罪の呼びかけ



フリン要因。彼らは彼を破滅させようとしましたが、なぜでしょうか。フリン将軍は、FISA の標的となった理由を何を知っていたのでしょうか。トランプの側近は、決して政治だけを目的としたわけではありません。アメリカの魂を支配するための戦いでした。FISA 令状はフリンだけを目的としたものではありません。トランプの影響力を解体し、抵抗する勇気のある者を粉砕することが目的でした。

QAnon は私たちに警告しました。兆候は常にありました。すべての謎めいたメッセージ、すべてのドロップは、この秘密戦争における FISA の役割を暗示していました。FISA は、中東からワシントン D.C. まで、腐敗した世界的な策略をつなぐ隠れた糸です。ビン・サルマンのような指導者を倒そうとする試みや、計画された革命は、FISA の世界的な影響力を示しています。エリートたちがあなたに知られたくないのは、FISA が世界を作り変えるための彼らのゲームの武器であり、米国は彼らの標的の 1 つにすぎないということです。

軍事クーデターが進行中? ささやき声が大きくなりつつある。軍内で分裂し、対立している米軍将軍らが、内部クーデターの準備を進めているのかもしれない。ディープステートによる軍指導部の締め付けが試されており、その結果は勢力バランスを永久に変える可能性がある。しかし、忘れてはならないのは、軍内にホワイトハット、つまり内部告発して陰謀を暴く準備ができている愛国者がいるということだ。これらの愛国者は証拠を集め、舞台裏で活動し、11.3の瞬間にディープステートの犯罪を暴露する準備をしている。

ブリンケンの絡み合った網。ホワイトハットは彼を狙っている。オバマとのつながりやイランとの秘密取引は、彼を影の政府の計画の重要人物として描いている。ご存知ですか? ブリンケンは偽のオサマ・ビン・ラディン作戦の中心にいた。これから明らかになることは体制を揺るがし、彼を大逆罪に巻き込むことになるだろう。




FISA: Unraveling the Military Coup – Trump’s Treason Call

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is no longer just a tool for foreign surveillance. It’s the key to exposing the darkest coup in American history. President Trump’s bold declaration: “It’s TREASON,” has sparked a firestorm, pointing to forces within the government using FISA for their agenda—against you, the American people. They never expected this to come to light, but now it’s all unraveling.

3.4 million warrantless searches. That’s what the FBI did to Americans in 2021. No oversight, no transparency—just raw power. They hijacked FISA, originally intended to spy on foreign entities, and turned it on innocent citizens. It’s a massive invasion of privacy, but it doesn’t end there. This is about control, about silencing dissent, and yes, about installing their puppets in place of real patriots. Think back—who ordered these searches? Who benefits from this totalitarian abuse?

The Flynn factor. They tried to destroy him, but why? What did General Flynn know that made him a target of FISA? Trump’s inner circle was never just about politics; it was a battle for control over America’s soul. The FISA warrants weren’t just about Flynn. They were about dismantling Trump’s influence and crushing anyone who dared to resist.

QAnon warned us. The signs were always there. Every cryptic message, every drop hinted at FISA’s role in this covert war. FISA is the hidden thread connecting corrupt global maneuvers—from the Middle East to Washington, D.C. The attempt to overthrow leaders like Bin Salman and the engineered revolutions point to FISA’s global reach. What the elite don’t want you to know is that FISA is a weapon in their game to reshape the world—and the U.S. is just one of their targets.

Military Coup in Motion? The whispers are growing louder—U.S. generals, split and at war within the ranks, may be gearing up for an internal coup. The deep state’s stranglehold on military leadership is being challenged, and the outcome could shift the balance of power forever. But don’t forget—there are white hats in the military, patriots ready to blow the whistle and reveal the plot. These patriots are gathering evidence, working behind the scenes, and preparing to expose the deep state’s crimes at the 11.3 moment.

Blinken’s tangled web. White hats have him in their sights. His ties to Obama and secret dealings with Iran paint him as a key player in the shadow government’s plans. Did you know? Blinken was at the center of the fake Osama Bin Laden operation. The revelations to come will rock the establishment, implicating him in high treason.

It all leads back to the Biden Crime Family. Hunter’s dirty deals, the Biden’s criminal empire—it's all coming out. But it’s not just about corruption; it’s about national security. Hunter’s laptop holds classified military secrets. The elites thought they could bury this, but the truth is about to explode.

Stay tuned. The storm is brewing.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/09/12 3:38]

~ The 17th Letter ~,



影の戦略: ソロスの政治的陰謀と経済的支配の遺産







彼のオープン ソサエティ財団は民主主義を支持すると主張しているが、これらの「慈善活動」がいかに都合よくエリートたちの世界的なアジェンダと一致しているかを無視するのは難しい。


これは特にハンガリーで明らかで、ハンガリーではビクトル オルバンがソロスに反対する主導的な声を上げている。

ストップ ソロス法は理由があって制定されたものであり、ソロスが移民を利用して地域全体を不安定化させたと非難されていることは周知の事実である。



90 年代初頭、ソロスはウクライナに種をまき、後にその混沌とし​​た未来を形作るのに役立つ財団を設立した。

2022 年にロシアに対する防衛を装ってウクライナに 2,500 万ドルの「投資」を行うことは、むしろウクライナを彼の影響力の網に閉じ込める機会のように見える。
















Shadow Strategies: The Soros Legacy of Political Intrigue and Economic Dominance

In the chaotic storm of world politics, a pattern of control emerges, a shadowy grip on the socio-political destinies of nations. Behind this stands the Soros family—George Soros and his heir Alex Soros—crafting a new world order. Their influence stretches from the heart of Eastern Europe to the volatile battlegrounds of Ukraine, using the facade of democracy to establish a dark agenda. This isn’t just political theater. It’s a multi-decade campaign to collapse economies, destabilize governments, and replace them with systems designed to serve one elite circle.

For years, George Soros has been accused of wrecking economies only to step in with his solutions, all while hiding under the mask of his so-called philanthropy. His Open Society Foundations claim to support democracy, but it’s hard to ignore how conveniently these “charitable efforts” align with the global agenda of the elites. Soros’ involvement isn’t about freedom—it’s about control. This is particularly clear in Hungary, where Viktor Orban has been a leading voice against Soros. The Stop Soros laws were created for a reason, and it’s no secret that Soros has been accused of using migration to destabilize entire regions. Mass migration isn’t just humanitarian; it’s a weapon.

Ukraine is the next chess piece on Soros’ board. Back in the early '90s, Soros planted his seeds in Ukraine, creating foundations that would later help shape its chaotic future. His $25 million “investment” in Ukraine in 2022, under the guise of defending against Russia, looks more like an opportunity to lock Ukraine into his web of influence. The truth is, this is a play for power—a manipulated crisis that gives Soros the perfect backdrop for a takeover.

Alex Soros, taking the reins, promises to “never abandon Ukraine.” But this isn’t about loyalty—it’s about positioning Ukraine as a geopolitical tool against Russia. The younger Soros isn’t just following orders—he’s crafting a new reality. Behind closed doors, Alex meets with Ukrainian leaders, discussing plans to seize and redistribute Russian assets. This isn’t democracy, it’s a blueprint for domination. With allies like Larry Fink of BlackRock, Ukraine is being shaped into an “open society” controlled by a few, with the masses none the wiser.

Look closer at the involvement of Soros-backed entities across Eastern Europe. This isn’t about helping minorities or expanding civil liberties—it’s about undermining national sovereignty. The Soros agenda is a direct threat to national identity, pushing nations to the brink, forcing them to accept a globalist vision. As Hungary’s Orban has said, this isn’t just about one man; it’s about a fight for the soul of Europe. Soros and his cronies are architects of destruction, aiming to erase borders and cultures, leaving behind a puppet world that answers only to the financial and political elite.

The Soros legacy is not philanthropy. It’s a calculated power grab, reshaping entire nations from the shadows, one crisis at a time. Ukraine is just the latest battleground in their long-running war against national sovereignty and freedom. The stakes have never been higher.

Join and share my channel immediately:
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[2024/09/12 5:39]

~ The 17th Letter ~,





















彼は、金や銀などの実物資産に裏付けられた新しいシステム、量子金融システム (QFS) の構築を監督します。












トランプが CIA、モサド、その他の腐敗した機関を解体するにつれて、透明性の新しい時代が始まります。








STORM! Trump’s Imminent Return Sparks Global Military Activation, Martial Law, and a Worldwide Blackout as Forces Mobilize on the Frontlines of the Ultimate Global Operation!

We are on the edge of an unprecedented shift. Trump’s return is not just a political event; it’s the trigger for the complete breakdown of the Cabal's global control. This is a centuries-old system of manipulation, and the Global Military Alliance has been waiting for this moment to strike.

October 20, 2024—a night the world will never forget. Martial law will roll out worldwide, and with it, a blackout like nothing we’ve seen before. Lights out, no communication, no news. The Cabal’s fortress of power will crumble, and in that darkness, the military will move like clockwork, sweeping through cities, arresting the elites who’ve bled the world dry.

The military is not here for crowd control. They’ve been staged for weeks, waiting to execute mass arrests of traitors—politicians, CEOs, and tech moguls who thought they were untouchable. Pelosi, Schiff, Soros—they’re all on the list. This is the storm we’ve been waiting for!

When the blackout hits, the Emergency Broadcast System will light up, broadcasting the truth that’s been hidden for decades. For three to ten days, the world will be forced to confront the real horrors—human trafficking, shadow deals, and the sinister forces pulling the strings behind every crisis.

The Alliance will act globally, sweeping through every major city, taking down the Cabal’s network. This is a worldwide effort—Europe, Asia, the U.S.—nowhere will be safe for these tyrants. Billionaires and politicians will be dragged into the light. Their wealth frozen, their private jets grounded, their bunkers breached.

Trump’s return isn’t symbolic. He will oversee the creation of a new system—the Quantum Financial System (QFS)—backed by real assets like gold and silver. No more currency manipulation, no more debt slavery. Every transaction will be traceable, and the elites will lose their ability to control economies.

The Quantum Voting System will secure elections forever. No more fraud—votes will be counted instantly, transparently. It’s the end of rigged elections, and the start of true governance. Governments will be stripped down, lean, and accountable to the people.

Med Beds will finally be released. These aren’t just healing machines—they’ll reverse aging, heal injuries, and cure diseases the elites have kept us dying from. Military forces will guard these centers, ensuring no one can stop this revolution in healthcare.

As Trump dismantles the CIA, Mossad, and other corrupt agencies, a new era of transparency will begin. The Internet, reborn under Star Link, will be free from censorship, a platform for truth.

This is it—the ultimate battle between good and evil is upon us. Victory is within reach. Brace for the blackout, the arrests, and the storm that will change everything. The Cabal’s time is up. Nothing can stop what’s coming.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/09/12 7:39]

~ The 17th Letter ~,






































Breaking News: Trump to Initiate Military Tribunals Against His Enemies! The Fight for America’s Future Begins Now

Trump’s bold plan to restore order is about to shake the very foundations of the deep state. Military tribunals are on the horizon, and this is the moment true patriots have been waiting for. The traitors have had their time, but now it's time for swift, undeniable justice.

The deep state has infiltrated every corner of America, controlling the media, silencing dissent, and pushing a globalist agenda. But Trump isn’t sitting idle. He sees the danger, and military tribunals are the only path forward. This isn't about revenge; this is about saving America from collapse.

The United States stands on the edge of destruction, with deep state operatives pulling the strings. But Trump is ready to act. He’s calling on every patriot to stand firm as he prepares to bring down the very people who’ve betrayed our Republic. With military tribunals, the traitors hiding in plain sight, from government agencies to media conglomerates, will finally meet their reckoning.

For years, Trump has sounded the alarm on the deep state’s treachery. Now, it’s more than just words—it’s a call to action. These tribunals will bypass the corrupted legal system, finally bringing true justice to those who’ve hidden behind bureaucracy and power.

Why Military Tribunals Matter
Military tribunals aren’t just another form of justice—they are the ONLY form of justice in times like these. With courts compromised and traitors manipulating the system, traditional justice is no longer an option. These tribunals will bypass the broken systems, cutting through the red tape, and holding enemies accountable in a way no other method can.

The deep state has had its time. From Russia hoaxes to the impeachment sham, these criminals have waged war on Trump and the American people. But their time is running out. They will face military justice.

GITMO Awaits

For those who thought they were untouchable, there is only one place left for them: GITMO. The notorious military prison, reserved for the worst enemies of America, is the final destination for deep state traitors. Military tribunals will be held at GITMO, ensuring that these criminals finally face the full consequences of their betrayal. There will be no escape.

This is Trump’s call to action. This is the moment that will decide the fate of our Republic. Patriots, it’s time to stand with Trump as he takes the fight to the traitors who seek to destroy us.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️
[2024/09/12 9:39]

~ The 17th Letter ~,



軍事情報と秘密作戦: 有名人、ジャッジズ/オル部隊、グアンタナモ、ディエゴガルシア、パインギャップ、グアム海軍基地、ホワイトハウス、FISA 機密解除


ホワイトハウスと FISA 機密解除は、あまりにも長い間隠されてきた秘密を暴露する鍵を握っています。


私たちは DECLAS の瀬戸際に立っています。

そこでは FISA 文書が機密解除され、エリートの秘密が暴露されます。












最終段階である FISA 機密解除は、誰も予想できない嵐を巻き起こすことになるだろう。

FISA 令状に関連するすべての署名者が捜査対象になる。

スティール文書は詐欺だったことが暴露され、ドミノ倒しのようにシステムを操作したディープ ステートの工作員が倒されるだろう。


















Military Intel & Covert Ops: Celebrities, The Judges/Olu Unit, Gitmo, Diego Garcia, Pine Gap, Naval Base Guam, White House & FISA Declassification

The hidden world of military intelligence and covert ops with elite units like The Judges/Olu, Gitmo, Diego Garcia, Pine Gap, and Naval Base Guam is about to unravel. The White House and FISA Declassification hold the key to exposing the secrets that have been shielded for far too long. What’s coming next will shake the very foundations of power.

We stand on the brink of DECLAS, where FISA documents are declassified, and the secrets of the elite are laid bare. The web of deceit and manipulation that has controlled the halls of government for years is on the verge of collapse. The Judges/Olu Military Unit in collaboration with US Forces is orchestrating a covert operation, shaping a new narrative that promises civil order, but at what cost?

At the heart of it all lies the Trump Administration and the secret locations—Diego Garcia, Pine Gap, Guam, and even beneath Washington, D.C. The whispers are growing: Gitmo is overflowing with prisoners of high stature, while hidden underground facilities prepare for something monumental. The political tension is mounting, and a storm is brewing.

As Trump’s era fades, a military government is stepping in, rewriting the rules of engagement. The Judges/Olu and US forces are shaping a grand narrative aimed at transforming society. But who’s pulling the strings behind this shift? Is this retaliation for the years of slander by the liberal elite? We may soon find out.

But the plot thickens. The final stage—FISA Declassification—promises to unleash a storm that no one is prepared for. Every signatory tied to FISA warrants is under investigation. The Steele dossier will be exposed for the fraud it was, and the dominoes will fall, taking down the deep state operatives who manipulated the system.

The global implications are staggering, with UK, Australia, and key international players embroiled in the surveillance operations. The truth will ignite diplomatic chaos, as alliances tremble in the face of this coming revelation.

It all leads to this moment: the specter of treason. Mainstream media won’t tell you, but they know Trump’s return is on the horizon, and they know what’s coming with him: vengeance. The storm is here. “The Plan” is unfolding, and soon, traitors will face justice.

The US Space Force (USSF) has been quietly capturing deep state operations since 2019. The global cabal, their data, their power, all documented, all ready to be exposed. The SCARE EVENT set to erupt in 2024 will send shockwaves through the entire system.

The countdown is ticking, and the world braces for what’s next. FISA will expose the corruption, the lies, and the crimes that have been hidden in plain sight. No one is safe. The question is, are you ready for what’s coming? The storm is real, and the truth is inevitable. Get ready.

Join and share my channel immediately:
https://t.me/QThe17thLetter ✅️

[2024/09/12 11:39]






