Q1: Tell us where your name came from!

Since my birthday on 11/30 just made it into autumn, and I was born in the autumn, they used 楓 (Kaede, for maple tree).

Q2: Which senpai do you aim to be like?

Former Morning Musume member Sayashi Riho-san. She's the person who made me want to join Morning Musume. Like how I admire Sayashi-san thinking "I want to become a person like that", I want myself to become someone admired by girls my own age.

Q3: Who would you want to be if you were born differently?

Former Morning Musume member Niigaki Risa-san. I like Niigaki-san's slightly husky voice an awful lot. I'd want to be born again as her just for the voice (lol).

Q4: What do you think you are #1 at in Hello Pro?

Degree of otaku. I like anime and games and manga, and gathering info on anime and games and manga is like my hobby. I think I probably have an amazing otaku-ness compared to my respective senpai as well (lol).

Q5: Tell us something awesome about Hello Pro!

I think there's a strong part where we can look at other groups and study them like "Let's do this kind of thing more!" Since every group feels like they definitely don't want to lose to others, I think that's a strength of all of Hello! Project.

Q6: If you could form a special unit in Hello Pro, who would it be with?

Former Morning Musumes Fujimoto Miki-san and Niigaki Risa-san, former ℃-ute's Okai Chisato-san, Angerme's Takeuchi Akari-san, and Morning Musume '17's Oda Sakura-san. I love voice actors, and have a voice fetish, so I gathered together those people who I think have beautiful voices!

Q7: Tell us your favorite Morning Musume song!

"One・Two・Three". This was the song that made me want to join Morning Musume, and it's the song which first expressed the coolness of the current Morning Musume. I think because of this song especially is why I myself am now a member of my beloved Morning Musume.

Q8: What's your favorite song in all of Hello Pro?

Tsubaki Factory's "Hanamoyou". I think it's a perfect song for Tsubaki Factory with the expression of flowers in its dance and singing.

Q9: What's the difference between the current and former Hello Pro?

I think the current Hello! Project groups place an emphasis on performance. Though it hasn't changed in how we all come together to make concerts, I don't think the level of consciousness of the coordination in singing and dance has been higher than it is now.

Q10: Aside from yourself, who would be your #1 member for someone to watch in order to come to like Hello Pro?

Hirose Ayaka-chan (Kobushi Factory). I love her singing an awful lot. Kobushi Factory has a lot of powerful songs, but I think the way her singing voice even out of them all is so strong and pulls them along is a reflection of Hello! Project. I think anyone who hears it would fall in love with it.

Q11: What about you do you want people to pay the most attention to?

Dancing. Since I'm tall among the members, I'm making use of that for posing and such. That's something I want you to keep an eye on.

Q12: What's some work you'd like to try in the future?

I'd like to try work as an anime voice actress. Though I like acting to begin with, I think it's incredibly wonderful to express something through just my voice. I'd like to try post-recording once.

Q13: What do you want people to pay the most attention to in Morning Musume?

Each member's respective personality. Though our personalities come out as they are in MCs and such, with 14 members we have all different kinds of people. But when we're all making one song together there's an incredible power of unity. That's also one thing I love about Morning Musume.

Q14: What will you be doing 20 years from now?

In 20 years I'll be 37...... Though I think I'll probably still be in showbiz, I won't want to be bragging about it. Though I'm still learning lots of things like etiquette and performance as a new member of Morning Musume now, when I've become 37 I won't want to be satisfied with just the name Morning Musume.

Q15: Since it's the 20th anniversary, please tell us a special secret!

I didn't know the difference between beef and pork until recently. Though recently I've started to understand it a bit finally, when it's cooked I still can't tell (lol).

Q16: What's something you'd like to become able to do by next year when the 20th anniversary is over?

I want to become able to drink carbonated beverages. When I was little I had a trauma of hating it and gagging when I drank one, and I still can't drink them (lol).

Q17: What would you do if you weren't an idol?

My dream when I was little was to be a policeman, and the people around me said something like that would fit me since I have a strong sense of justice. Since I was in the wind instrument club, I've been saying for ages that I want to be in the police band.

Q18: What are you most into now?

"Mobile Suit Gundam". Though there are lots of gundam series, I've seen all the original series and got totally immersed in it. I've started watching other series too, and although there are various mobile suits, I felt like they've had the coolest look. Since I can see gundam faces on lots of different things, I'm obsessed with it so much that there's nothing in my head but gundam. It's a serious illness (lol).

Q19: Who are you close with in Hello Pro?

Hello Pro Kenshuusei Inoue Hikaru-chan. We've had similar hobbies for a while and have been close, and when I see her at Hello! Project concerts and such we talk an awful lot about what the current KSS is like and other things I want to talk about.

Q20: What is an idol to you?

Though I think idols have an image of being cute, Hello! Project and Morning Musume have a strong image to me of being artists. They were sharp in dancing before I joined too, and good at singing, and had nothing but awesomely cool songs. I think that kind of idol can only be found in the current Morning Musume. There's also an ambition to keep improving our singing and performance more and more as artists. I think that among idols, Hello! Project involves that kind of idol.

