Q1: Tell us where your name came from!

Though it's written as "spring (春)" and "water (水)" and read "Haruna", I was born in February. But when it becomes spring the animals wake up from their hibernation and find water right? It's from the wish of wanting me to become a person who was loved and yearned for by everyone like that water in the spring.

Q2: Which senpai do you aim to be like?

Sayashi Riho-san (Former Morning Musume). She's the same age as me and although we only were active together for a year, that gap from her charming coolness when she performs on stage to how she is playing around or talking normally is really cute. I feel like I'll always admire her.

Q3: Who would you want to be if you were born differently?

Makino Maria. Though she's my generation-mate, there are things I respect about her. Maria loves baseball and is always pursuing it. Since I'm a fickle person, and there's not really anything I can get into for a long period of time, I wonder how that feels. I'd like to try seeing what that's like.

Q4: What do you think you are #1 at in Hello Pro?

How quickly I can change. Though there are good things, I think there are also bad things about myself. Though there are people who if something shocks them or they get frustrated from losing, spring off of that like "Let's work harder!", I'm the type who quickly forgets about things. Like, "Ah, whatever, let's just move on". Moreover, though there are things I get help with, I wonder if I shouldn't face things a little bit more.

Q5: Tell us something awesome about Hello Pro!

Since I think there aren't really many idol groups who continue on so long like this, I think it's awesome how we inherit the 20 year legacy. Though the members are changing, since I think we haven't lost our essence or rather Hello! Project-ness, I think that sense of legend is awesome.

Q6: If you could form a special unit in Hello Pro, who would it be with?

Sayashi Riho-san and me, and since I also like and admire Tanaka Reina-san (former Morning Musume), those three. Like, if I was put in between those two who are so good at singing, it'd be okay if I can't (lol). I want to hear those two singing nearby.

Q7: Tell us your favorite Morning Musume song!

"What is LOVE?". It's a song that came out just a bit before I joined, and the lyrics are really great and the dance really fun. It's been in our concert setlist many times, and I think it's a song where everyone can come together.

Q8: What's your favorite song in all of Hello Pro?

Morning Musume's "Happy Summer Wedding". It's a famous song, and I heard it a lot on TV and such before joining, and when I go back and sing it and try looking at the lyrics and think about the feelings of the protagonist, I feel like it's a really great song. Recently, for my cousin's wedding I made a video with "Happy Summer Wedding" and sent it to her. She was so incredibly overjoyed, like "From the real thing~!" (lol)

Q9: What's the difference between the current and former Hello Pro?

In the current Hello! Project, I think we're closer in that our opportunities to go see everyone are increasing. Though in the past I think we could get excited at concerts and such, now since opportunities like handshakes where we can talk directly are increasing, I feel like there's a different feeling of distance with the fans from the past. 

Q10: Aside from yourself, who would be your #1 member for someone to watch in order to come to like Hello Pro?

Juice=Juice's Miyamoto Karin-san. She has kind of a "The Idol" image. I normally talk relatively normally, so like my character doesn't really become fixed (lol). Miyamoto-san is cute, and white, so is like an idol among idols. I think if I was a fan I'd want to go see her.

Q11: What about you do you want people to pay the most attention to?

I love to talk, so like concert MCs or the radio or such. I want you to see me, or rather listen to me (lol). Now through like SNS and the blogs, you have the chance to hear news about things like this early right? I want you to see lots of those kinds of things.

Q12: What's some work you'd like to try in the future?

Though it's probably a big ambition, since my special skill has been figure skating for around 10 years, I'd like them to put an ice skating rink on the stage and try putting on my figure skates to have a concert of dancing to songs on the ice. Though since I'd be the only one who can glide, everyone else probably would be falling down (lol)

Q13: What do you want people to pay the most attention to in Morning Musume?

Formation dance, right. We've been challenging various formation dances, and are doing lots of formations that only our current 14 members can do!

Q14: What will you be doing 20 years from now?

38 years old!? Though I totally can't imagine myself at 38, thinking about being a mama I'd probably be working and raising kids. But since I like the radio and talking, I hope at that time too I'll be able to do work where I'll be conveying things to people. Going 20 years from now smartphones and such will be really amazing, and so it wouldn't be just like a live broadcast but I feel like we'd be able to transmit smells too! I hope I'll also be doing cutting-edge broadcasts.

Q15: Since it's the 20th anniversary, please tell us a special secret!

I wonder... Though I've been told I'm candid and keep cool, that's actually not the case and am actually an attention-seeker, probably. Since it's embarrassing to say it myself, I don't really do that much, but since I want you to pay attention to me, everyone please pay more attention to me!

Q16: What's something you'd like to become able to do by next year when the 20th anniversary is over?

This past year I've gained kouhai, but I'm still learning dances and working hard on myself. I hope a year from now I'll be able to pull along the conversations in MC for my kouhai, and be one who draws attention within the entire group.

Q17: What would you do if you weren't an idol?

A school or cram school teacher. I'd teach math. Though rather than being good at math I'm awful at English, it'd be like I'm using the math to compensate for it. If they wouldn't be answering questions I'd get kinda impatient or be like, "Give me an answer!" 

Q18: What are you most into now?

Watching idol videos. Since there are so many different kinds of idols, it's interesting to look up the concepts and such. I normally check the internet or video sites, and if I find a cute girl I start reading her blog. Then Morning Musume comes up on my video list and I get like "Ah, it's me" (lol).

Q19: Who are you close with in Hello Pro?

Angerme's Nakanishi Kana-san. Since we're both from Osaka, we often talk at Hello! Project concerts. Since recently I've been white and squishy, she's been calling me "Yukimi daifuku-chan" (lol). I actually have never hung out with a Hello Pro member, and never go hang out with people. I've asked Kobushi Factory's Inoue Rei-chan to go hang out, even to where we've exchanged contact info. But I can't really get invited...... So now I'm mustering my courage!

Q20: What is an idol to you?

Always giving energy with our smiles. But behind the scenes making sure to put forth the effort, and even if we're going through rough things or tough times, there's an image of still shining on the stage in order to give energy to all the fans. Since before joining Morning Musume Sayashi Riho-san gave me an awful lot of energy and smiles, I hope I'll be able to return that from now on!

