I have a notice for everyone.

I, Tanaka Reina,

Have a child.

I'm really sorry I didn't tell you until now.

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Isn't she cute ドキドキ

It's a girl~~~~~ ドキドキ

Gotcha--- 田中れいなオフィシャルブログ「田中れいなのおつかれいなー」Powered by Ameba-o0020002010639317507.gif

Today, 4/1, is キラキラ April Fool's キラキラ ラブラブ!

Has everyone been pranked? (*´艸`)

Did I stink up the place with that joke? lol

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But ラブラブ time to go to wo-rk ヘッドフォン 音譜

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What kind of pranks did everyone pull?? ニコニコ 耳 ラブラブ